"I was once afraid of people saying "Who does she think she is? Now I have the courage to stand and say, "This is who I am."
- Oprah WinfreyMy mind started spinning. I was still looking at Langa who was standing on my doorway dressed in black from head to toe.
"Please let me in, I don't know how long your parents will be gone"
That's all he said. I gave him a hard slap. His cheek reddened but he quickly covered it with his hand.
"I kinda deserve that" he said as he pushed me out of the way and decided to enter the house.
"Your mom's about to give a speech in ten minutes which might take about twenty minutes for her to complete. Then the president, yada yada. I'll be here for an hour" he said. I didn't bother asking where he got all this information from.
I was still shocked at the sight of my baby daddy standing in front of me. I touched my stomach and he seemed to have noticed.
"Oh, congratulations on your pregnancy" he said plopping his feet on the table.
"I know myself, my sperm hits the egg" I rolled my eyes and sat in front of him.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh great, she talks. I'm here to see you and my baby. You did leave me a couple of voicemails and even threatened to kill yourself and the baby" he shrugged his shoulders.
Why in the world was he acting like a heartless bastard?
"I'm not pregnant"
"Oh please, don't you even think about aborting Phehlukwayo Junior, you and that Shawn thing"
"How can I abort if I'm not pregnant?"I asked
"I've been watching you Ada. I have eyes everywhere" he said walking closer to me. With every step he took, I took two steps backwards until my back was on the wall.
He pulled me in for a kiss, and just like always, my body failed me and it gave in. The feeling was indescribable. My heart started beating in places I didn't know it could beat.
"I missed this. I've kissed so many lips over this period but none of them could amount to this" he said.
I foolishly blushed and watched him go back to the couch. He patted the space besides him and I went ahead and sat down.
"Please listen to me Ada. I've been doing some research, don't hate me" he said. At that exact moment my phone rang and I signalled for Langa to stop talking.
It was Shawn.
"Hey" I said, as I put my fingers on the volume down button so he wouldn't be able to make out our conversation.
"Hey babe, I got us an appointment tomorrow. I pulled some strings. Don't dissapoint me love, think about our future" I felt hot tears burning my eyes but I had to close my eyes and prevent them from falling down so Langa wouldn't see them.
"BABY?" I heard Shawn speak again.
"Hey, uhm I'll be there man. Bye" I said quickly dropping the call and heading towards the couch. I faced the opposite direction and wiped the tears off my eyes quickly.
"Was that your man?"
"No, Charmaine had a little boy drama. I'll go help her tomorrow" I said facing the wall. He can't see me, the man sitting on the couch knows me inside out. He knows every part of me and I feel horrible for revealing those parts to him. I wish it was someone like Shawn.
Oh Shawn, we had our whole life planned. He wanted me to meet his parents in the upcoming week. Everything is so great, I don't even know what type of person Langa is. I've never seen his weak side, he doesn't reveal those parts to me.
"Ada, believe me when I say I have to do this. Don't lie to me. You may feel like I'm a prick for getting you pregnant but I'm not. This is not a game to me. I will raise this child with you"
I looked at him and the worst part is that I believed every word he said. He knew just what to say to make me feel better, it's like he carefully thought of each word that exited his mouth knowing which nerve it's going to strike.
"I hate you and I love you Langa. I can't believe you do this to me" I said breathing in.
He caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes to his touch.
"I have to go, your parents will be here" he said placing a soft kiss on my cheek. It lasted a little over a minute. I was in a comfortable position. His hand was over my flat, but slowly growing belly.
With that said he pulled his hat over his head and went out through the front door.
I went upstairs and laid on my bed with my hand over my belly. What if Langa is lying? What if he chooses not to be a part of this child's life when it's too late to abort it?
I've learnt from my mother's mistakes. History won't repeat itself twice.
I wore leggings and a huge sweatshirt over because it was quite cold today. It's a good day for me. I'm finally getting rid of this baby, by fire or by force.
The house was empty as usual, with my mother and Mrs Mpisane running their bakery and cafe and Dad working at the office.
I went inside the Uber and took a seat, making my way to Shawn's house. From there onwards we would drive to the abortion clinic together.
Just when we were about to turn into his street a car pulled up in front of us and the Uber drive pressed on the brakes causing me to knock my head on the seat in front of me.
An angry Langa walked out of the car in front of us and opened the door where I was seated.
"You're coming with me" he said forcefully grabbing my arm and throwing some money to the driver.
"Langa you're hurting me" I said wincing in pain. I felt tears burn my eyes.
"YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME ADA" He said throwing me into the backseat. I tried opening the door but it was on "Child lock" .
"Ada I don't understand why you would do this? This is OUR BABY. I'M TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ACTIONS OKAY!" I started causing a huge commotion in the car and I tried distracting him while he drove. He stopped in the side of the road.
"That's it. I can't do this" he said. He took out a small box which had an injection and injected me in my arm. I knew that if I resisted I would end up getting hurt so I closed my eyes and took in the pain...
I woke up in a once again familiar room with a blanket over me. Langa was on the bed next to me busy typing away on his phone.
"Great, you're up" He said. He lead me downstairs where Zweli and Melinda were seated. My mind was all over the place. Mel stood up and walked towards me where she led me towards the couch.
"Do you want anything to eat?" I shook my head and they all kept quiet and looked at me.
Zweli gave me an embrassed look and I raised my eyebrow. What is going on here?
"Siphokazi I- I- I-" Zweli stuttered.
"Ada, what he's trying to say is that he's your father" Langa finished off the sentence
Well that's it. I know that some of you were expecting it though 🤣

He Taught Me How To Find Myself
Teen Fiction"You did Maths Ada, and you're smart. Langa and you are so fucking negative. Two negatives make a positive, so like I said, you two deserve each other" ●°○°●°○°●°○°●°○°●°○°●°○°●°○°●° I always lived my life the way people wanted me to live it. Afte...