47: The Last Dinner 🗳

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(Unedited, many errors)

"Rise by lifting others"
-Enhle Mbali

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my jean pocket. My head was pounding and for a minute, I was unable to recognize my surroundings.

I took out my phone and saw that it was Siyanda calling me.

"Bitch, where are you? Aunt Mel called a family meeting, everyone is here and you're the only one missing. By everyone I mean-"

"Siyanda" I whispered.

"Wait I'm still talking, she invited our whole family, Uncle Bongizwe, Siphiwe, Sanele, Liyana, Grandpa, Grandma, my mom, even my dad is here, can you believe it?"

"Siyanda" I tried raising my voice a little louder

"Langa and Mihlali are here too, oh and even your mom. She said Rob is on the way with little James"

"Siyanda. Send help" I said, my voice cracking with every word

"Oh my god! Where are you?"

"The basement-" that was it. My phone died on the spot. I cant believe I didnt carry my power bank. My body hurt like hell.


I tried knocking on the door but it was pointless. Nobody came to this part of the house. I decided to take the bottle of whiskey that was on top of the table and drink its contents. There was only a small fraction left anyway. Every time I placed my foot on the ground, my whole body hurt. I just closed my eyes. So this is how it's going to be, this is how my life's going to end. I'm going to die in this basement. I'm never going to see my baby again

My eyes slowly closed.


"ADAAAA" I heard someone shout. It was like an echo
My eyes didn't want to open but I forcefully tried to open them.

"ADAAA. THIS IS THE LAST TIME. I'M GOING TO LEAVE YOU NOW!" I tried to quickly stand up but my body was weak. I was dehydrated. I dont even know how long I've been here.

"Here" I said with a very hoarse voice. I dont even think they heard me so I tried to scream again

"ADA. I'M GOING TO CLOSE THE DOOR NOW" That gave me the energy to scream even louder. Although I sounded like a dying rat. I'm sure that the person was going to hear me.

"DOWN HERE" I yelled. My voice box throbbed as soon as I said that.

"Ada. I heard you? Where are you?" I heard the footsteps of the person from above my head.

I tried to direct them towards the basement.

"Right underneath your feet. Theres a door if you move towards the kitchen. It's under the staircase" I said. That was it.

As soon as I saw the door open, I felt relief wash over my body. I dont know if it was from the excitement or the relief, or both. But I fainted.

"Ada. I'm taking you to the hospital" those were the last words I heard as I felt my body being lifted up.

I don't even know how many times I've been in this building . I'm pretty sure I know all of the staff that works here now.

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