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"Getting pregnant at a young age isn't cute, but being a good mother at a young age deserves respect"

"Are you sure you want to go out looking like that?" Siyanda asked me. I clicked my tounge and ignored her question

"Mam' Thandi, cela ungincede tu" Siyanda asked Mihlali's nanny

"I have nothing to say, as long as she's comfortable" she shrugged.

I stuck my tongue out at her and wore my crocs.

I was wearing black leggings, an oversized Harry Potter T-shirt that I won on a Maths Olympiad in 8th Grade and my pink crocs. My afro was in a bun.

"Mam' Thandi don't wait for us. In the mean time can you please pack our bags because we'll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow" I instructed.

"Okay nana. Have fun"

"Even Mihlali looks better than you. Look at her outfit"

"If you're against my outfit I'll just stay in the house and watch T.V all day"

"No no nooo. Let's go" she said. I put Mihlali in her stroller and we decided to take a walk and call the Uber when we're tired.

After ten minutes of walking we were tired and decided it's time that we requested for an Uber. It arrived a few minutes later and then Siyanda gave the driver her phone for the directions

"Why did you have to give him your phone?" I asked with Mihlali on my lap.

"Just" she said.

I rolled my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. I felt a weight being lifted off my lap and that's all I remember before I heard Siyanda shaking me awake.

I opened my eyes and looked around the place.

"Siyanda. This isn't the mall" I said rubbing my eyes. She laughed at me.

"Even a blind man knows that Siphokazi. This is a building" she said.

The car was parked in front of a high building. Siyanda seems to know her way around here because she led the way and we went on the elevator.

"What are we doing here?"

"The question should be, what are you doing here"

I was getting confused now. The door to the elevator opened . We were on the top of the building . The place was empty.

"Look behind you"

I almost cried at the sight behind me. I opened and closed my kind repeatedly like a fish.

Siyanda pushed me to the front. There was a helicopter parked in front and Tumelo was standing nect to It.

He was wearing black jeans and a tight fitting white top. I'm going to die on the spot. The way that top is hugging his arms.

I took slow steps towards him and he opened his arms for me.

"Tu-Tumelo, is this y-you?" He chuckled as he saw me coming towards him and he gave me a huge hug. I didn't want to let go. I didn't want this moment to end. I felt safe in his arms.

Siyanda and Mihlali came a few seconds later.

"Nisibambisa ikhandlela nina. Break away from the hug now" Siyanda said.

We both giggled, while I was still smiling Tumelo kissed my cheek. I was left to recover while he took Mihlali in his arms and played with her.

Siyanda pulled me aside and started screaming.

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