He Taught Me How To Find Myself

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Dedicated to TheColourBlueWA

The feeling of freedom is a rather unique experience of life that can be used to guide our life. The feeling of freedom can be described in a variety of ways. It can be best described as a fullness of being, a fullness of life, a blossoming or flowering of our being, and experiencing a feeling of expansion moving toward an experience of, if not into, the infinity of our being. Additionally, this feeling of freedom should be accompanied by an inner satisfaction within our being which never runs dry no matter what is happening in our world. However, in reality, it is none of these but all of these.

The problem we face is that it is difficult for our mind to accept or understand of this experience for we experience these feelings simultaneously. That feeling of freedom is what can be best described as a "package deal." It has multiple aspects and is multidimensional.

If we stay present in the moment without focusing our attention and awareness on any one aspect of what we feel, we can find our awareness cycling through or perceiving an experience of each of these feeling. That is, any one description our mind can give to what we feel is inadequate for each of these aspects are present in what we feel simultaneously. The finite nature of our mind is too limited to describe the depth and breadth of what we feel and all its aspects. Rather, our mind characterizes what it experiences based on how it has focused our attention and awareness in how and what it thinks and believes.

If we change how and what we think and believe, we will perceive a different aspect of this feeling of freedom.

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