Chapter 41. Boiling blood

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Hey guys, it's been a while my sincere apologies, school is just really frustrating and stressful keeping me busy with all sort of projects. I hope to update sooner next time. This chapter and part or all of next chapter will be in Ian's POV, Anyway I hope you guys like it!



Ian's POV:

I was awakened by a wet tongue licking me over the cheek. But it didn’t leave it at that as it was followed by more licks. I opened my eyes seeing an existed brown Labrador wagging its tail as it went in for another lick at my face. ‘’Yorqi, stop it.’’ I grumbled. I heard a small whine from the canine as I pushed its snout away from my face. Sitting up I glanced at my alarm clock seeing that my alarm would go off in about 5 minutes so I moved to swat it out myself. I glanced back at the dog sitting on my floor as it gave me back those puppy dog eyes.

‘’Fine, alright Yorqi.. come here.’’  I said smiling down at my dog, his ears immediately perking up as he jumped on top of my bed.

I stroked his soft fur as his tail happily wagged from the attention.

As I had just finished taking Yorqi for a walk I quickly packed my school bag before I got my keys and made my way over to Devis. Sometimes I felt like I was the guys personal taxi driver, but I didn’t mind. It wasn’t much off from the way I had to go anyway and I liked his company. I stopped in front of his house honking once and waited a few minutes before I saw the door open and my familiar chocolate brown haired friend. Sometimes  he kind of reminded me of my dog but just his hair color haha, I couldn’t imagine him waking me up by licking my face of course. He opened the car door before He took a seat in the passenger’s seat next to me. ‘’Good morning, Dev.’’ I said to him with a smile.  ‘’Morning.’’ He said back with a small tired smile as he rubbed his eyes.

He was wearing pale blue skinny jeans, his red all stars and black sweater with a white ribcage on it. He had rolled up the sleeves to his elbows and to finish it off he had a red button up collar peeking out from under the black fabric.  I started to drive as I asked. ‘’Did you have a good night of sleep?’’ already expecting with the way he was looking at me that the answer would most likely be no. ‘’Not really’’ he said as he yawned. ‘’You could probably take a little nap in math that class it’s boring as hell anyway.’’ I said grinning at him. ‘’I might.’’ He sighted. ‘’How can you be so happy in the mornings?’’ His eyebrows were crunched together as he pouted at me. Cute. ‘’I’m just a morning person I guess.’’ I said offering him another smile.

After a few minutes we made it to school. We went to our lockers to get rid of our jackets before going off to Math. As I suggested to Devis, even if he wanted to stay awake, I saw him dosing off, face planted with his head in his math book. ‘’Mr. Patterson-‘’ Mr. Smith’s voice started. ‘’- Could you read and give us the answer to question  7. A?’’ Quickly Poking Devis in the side I made him Yelp softly as he jolted up. I pointed at the question in my book where the answer stood it so he could read it. He read the question and answer aloud and waited for approval. ‘’..Correct.. very well.’’ Smith said surprised that the answer was correct before he went to ask another student the next question.

 Just because I thought math was boring didn’t mean I was bad at it. ‘’Thanks, you really saved me there.’’ Devis whispered to me as he rubbed his eyes from excess sleep. ‘’No problem, unicorn.’’ I replied with a teasing smile. He huffed softly, no doubt about the nickname. ‘’Ms. Azikiwe , could you do question 7.C?’’  Smith asked to a girl sitting at the front row of the class.

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