Chapter 31. Bad fortune

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Hey readers, I'm back ^^! Allot of stuff happened, I had a break up found out that I can't really handle a relationship right now, drifted back a little into depression and school is just really stressing now  in general, exams will be here in just a few months and I can allready feel the pressure. I'll soon have to choose new schools and I really have no idea where to go but I found some time to write a new chapter of this story, I first had to re-read everything I previously wrote because I mainly had forgotten what happened in this story. Got a little ashamed by all the grammer errors I found but didn't have enough time to fix it.  Anyway I hope you guys like it and forgive me for not uploading in such a long time. 



“...Raiden..’’ She softly whispered just loud enough for me to barely hear. “Raiden?’’ I heard Luke hum in confusion next to me. “..I can feel a dark aura around you my dear.’’ She mumbled looking at me worriedly.

I glanced at my left hand and that instant I could see the skin turning dark like black ink stains spreading over the palm of my hand. Shocked by the sight I rapidly pulled it back, closing my palm and hid the inside of my hand. Surprised by my sudden actions her eyes left mine and took a look at her now empty hand where she had held mine. She didn’t seem to have seen nor did Luke who had been staring at the lady in confusion.

Suddenly she stood up and moved to one of the closets that stood against the tent walls. She moved some of the small jars and books on the shelves as if she looked for something. Her movements pulled Luke from his thoughts and he followed her movements with his eyes. This gave me another chance to take a look at my hand. As I opened it, it looked normal again as if I had all just imagined it.

She returned from her search for something, her right hand in front of her, knotted into a fist. She opened her palm in front of me revealing a orange crystal object connected to a black string, it forming a necklace. “Take it my child, It is to protect you against dark spirits.’’ The smile that she had held before now returned as she spoke to me. I hesitantly took the necklace out of her hand excepting the gift. “Ah..Thank you.’’ I said  smiling a nervous, small smile back. “Now leave, both of you!’’ she urged motioning all the while she spoke.

We hurriedly left.  Once out of the tent Luke turned to me. “Do you think she’ll be okay, she looked so scared all of a sudden?’’ He asked me with mild concern. “..I think she’ll be fine.’’ I said as we started to walk again.  “Oh well, so what are you going to do with that?’’ He pointed to the orange crystal hanging in the grasp of my hand. I lifted my hand glancing at it for a few seconds then shrugged as I put it into my jeans pocket.

 “It’s pretty, so I’ll keep it I guess.’’

A few streets further we exchanged numbers so we could contact each other about the training  and parted ways. The rest of the way was fast and it didn’t take much time before I was in front of my house again. The car of my mom was neatly  parked on our driveway. I fished my house key out of my pocket and opened the door. “DEVIS!!!’’  I was hugged around the waist by a little bundle  with long dark, straight  brown hair. “Amy!’’ I said with a smile a little shocked I carefully dropping the plastic bag on the ground and returned the hug.

She looked up from where she had buried her face into my abdomen with her big blue/brown eyes, a fringe framing her small face. “I missed you Devis!’’ She cried out. “Haha, I missed you too Amy, wow you’ve grown so much since the last time I saw you!’’ I said as I ruffled her hair. She released her grip around me and did a step back standing as tall as she could. “Really?’’ “Yeah.’’ I replied with a smile. “Welcome home, Devis.’’ I heared my mom call.

“Amy sweatheart, would you give Devis some space so he can bring the supplies here.’’ “I’ll help!’’She offered enthusiastic. “Ah no, It’s fine, It might be a little heavy for you though thanks anyway.’’ She looked a little sad that she couldn’t help but the smile returned as fast as it disappeared on her face. “Oh..okay!’’ She walked next to me as I picked up the plastic back and walked to the kitchen where I placed all the supplies where they had to be. “Thanks honey.’’ My mother said as I was done. She was currently cooking and it seemed that Amy had been trying to help by the apron that was bound around her, clearly too big for her. “Dad’s not home yet?’’I asked “No he should be any moment though.’’ My mom replied as she was cutting some meat. “I see, okay then, I’m going to my room.’’ “Was there anything you need him for?’’ She asked back. “Ah, no.’’ ‘’Okay honey.’’

I made my way upstairs and as soon as I entered my room I was pushed viciously against the ground. The impact knocked all the air out of me making me unable to scream if I wanted to. I was pinned down by.. “Tyler?!’’


Ah am I evil allready? cliffhangers, cliffhangers everywhere!

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