Chapter 26. Water bottle.

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Kon'nichiwa, Dokusha's! (Japanese for: Hello readers!) >w<! Another chapter here with some explanation about some of the demon stuff~  

Picture of Tyler on the right (just imagine him with more muscles and ring snakebites. ;) -->



I decided to just read the book right away and be done with it. Not that I expected that I could read everything in 1 day.. I now lay on my bed on my belly with Tyler not too far next to me in case I didn’t understand something. As I read I discovered a few things. Just like Tyler said Demons can indeed posses humans, hell they can even posses animals or any living creature with a soul except for their own kind, also they can take on different forms.

I read too that there are 2 different kind of demons, the free once and the once in captivity. The free demons are made just like humans but instead by demons.

The once in captivity are made by witches or wizards and are to follow their masters orders for as long as they are held captive, though if the master dies or has been killed its collar shall fall of setting them free.

Demons can’t die out of ageing though they can be killed. If a demon is killed or commits suicide and its soul is not taken by another its soul will be send to the world between the living and the dead and then they can be called up by a blood sacrifice and be held captive.

A demon held captive can only die to never return again if it has been killed by its master,  because when a demon is called up its soul will go into the body of its master which means that Demons in captivity are soulless.  I know it’s allot to take in , I don’t really understand most of it either.

“Hey Tyler.’’ I asked looking beside me as he lay with his eyes closed on his back,  his hands under his head. “Hmm?’’ He replied.  “This book says that demon’s who are held captive are soulless since the souls of the demons go into their master after they are called up. How come I’m not possessed than, doesn’t that mean that your inside of me?’’ Okay that sounded wrong..  One of his eyes peeked open looking at me followed by the other. He probably noticing how wrong that sounded as a smirk formed on his lips. “How do I explain this so even you understand this?’’ He questioned himself.

“It’s not my fault for not understanding. This Demon shit is just al so vague..’’ I said huffing. He sat up scanning the room till his eyes stopped at a particular place. “Do you see that water bottle on your desk?’’ He asked as his gaze turned back to me. I looked over at my desk before looking back at him. “Uh yeah, what does that have to do with this?’’ He sighted.

“Don’t be so impatient. Now listen, think of your soul as a drop of water and my soul as an empty water bottle with its cap screwed off. If I’d posses you the cap would be screwed on the bottle but since you’re my master you hold the cap in your hands which means I can’t posses you unless you’d screw the cap on.” I let it sink in for a moment. “…I guess I kind of understand it now.’’

“Good, anything ells?’’ He asked. “yeah, the book also says that if a demon is killed or commits suicide and its soul is not taken by another its soul will be send to the world between the living and the dead.  Since you came from the world between the living and the dead does that mean either of those things happened to you?’’ The smirks on his face slowly disappeared as he answered with. “I don’t remember.’’ “Oh uh.., t-that’s okay.’’ I said to him as the look in his eyes grew cold. I guess his memory’s are a bit of a touchy subject.

 I stood up walking over at my desk and shredded a scrap of paper out of one of my notebooks. I walked back over at my bed and placed the little piece in-between the 2 pages I was of the witchcraft book letting it improvise as a bookmark. “How about we do something else?’’  I suggested. “Like what?’’


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