Chapter 36. That's you silly!

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 Hey guys! So if you people may have noticed I put up this ''coming soon'' thing for my upcoming story: ''Red Crossed rabbit''. I haven't put a description yet about it but there will be soon. I might finish this story first before I start that one or start it while writing this one but I don't know yet. I hope you guys will like that story too. Anyway here's a whole chapter in Tyler's pov again! 



Tyler's pov:

I was laying on Devis' bed staring at the ceiling. It was often boring without Devis. This morning had been nice though, I enjoyed seeing him so flustered, panting and hearing those sweet moans escape him. I should help him more often. Though the question was what I'd do today. I could go outside? No It was way too sunny outside for my liking. I could play more video games? Nah, it was less fun without beating the crap out of Devis.

Suddenly I felt the presence of a spirit by the door. It was so small that I had barely noticed it. The door slowly creaked open revealing a small girl. I sat up looking at her, this must be Devis' niece. "Hello?" She said in a soft voice still standing in the door opening. "Hello there." I said grinning at her. Her confused expression turned into a curious smile as she looked at awe at me. She came closer until she stopped in front of the bed and held her hand out to me. "My name is Amy, who are you?" I looked at her held out held hand in confusion. "You're suppose to shake it and tell me your name." She explained.

I reluctantly took her small hand into mine and gave it a light shook "Tyler." She smiled brightly at me. "Nice to meet you! Do you want to be my friend, Tyler?" I raised an eyebrow at her question. "And why would you want me as your friend?" "You seem nice." "Nice?" I questioned her. "Yes!" Her smile faded a little as she spoke. "I don't have many friends so I try to be nice to everyone."

I sighted. "Alright then little kid, I'll be your friend." "Yeay!" She chimed. "I was looking for paper, auntie Gabriel said there was some in the printer." She walked over to what I assumed was a printer on Devis' desk and took some paper out of it. "Found some!" Amy held the paper to her chest with one arm and walked back over to me holding her other hand out again. ''Come let's go to my room, I got coloring pencils.'' She said with  a smile on her face again.

Why was this kid so happy? I contemplated the odds of something bad happening before I took her tiny hand in mine once more. I stood up and felt her starting to pull on my hand. Letting her guide me trough the hall we ended up in her room. It was a smaller room then Devis', the walls painted white, a single bed against the wall under a window with next to it a light brown wooden closet. The sheets on the bed were pink just like the little empty suitcase that was standing open next to the closet. Some of its previous content seemed to be scattered over the floor. A few dolls and a small box of coloring pencils.

Amy let go of my hand before she took place on the floor on a spot not occupied by her toys. She put the paper in front of her and opened the box of coloring pencils. I crouched down moving a few of her toys to make place for myself and took place in front of her with the paper between us. She took a dark brown coloring pencil and started to draw, sticking her tongue out for concentration.

In the main time she had switched from different pencils until it seemed to be done. ''This is me.'' She pointing to one of the stick figures drawn on the paper. What else to expect from such a young kid. The stick figure had dark brown  stripes coming from its head what I guessed was her hair, blue dots for eyes and a dark blue dress matching the one she was wearing right now. "Auntie Gabriella told me that Devis likes to draw so I want to become just as good as him.'' ''I see, well you will have to practice more kiddo since you're not even close.'' I said with a neutral expression. She puffed up her cheeks pouting at me. "I'm trying, you'll see I'll become really good!

It amused me how she didn't seem faced by my comment and looked so determent to prove it to me or the fact that she didn't even question how I had seen Devis' artwork and what I was doing in his room.  But I guess at her age you're not bothered by those things and just go with it. ''So who are the others?'' I asked her. Her face seem to brighten immediately again as she focused on her drawing. ''This is my mommy!'' She pointed to the taller stick figure next to her which her stick figure was holding hands with. ''And this is auntie Gabriella and uncle Eric, the mommy and daddy of Devis.''  She pointed again this time to 2 other tall stick figures who were holding hands as well with another figure.

She moved her little finger to the figure who they were holding hands with.  

''And this is Devis my nephew.'' She said with a bright smile. ''He makes good chocolate milk.'' She added quickly. ''So what about your dad?'' I asked her.

She looked from me to the drawing she made. "He's not here, mommy said he had to go away and that he wouldn't come back anymore..''I could hear the sadness as she spoke.  "Do you miss him?'' "Not really anymore, mommy said he was a bad man.'' I hummed in reply and saw one figure drawn a bit further away from the rest. ''Then what about this, who's this?'' Trying to distract her from her sad thoughts I pointed to it. She followed my direction in pointing and smiled again. ''That's you silly!'' ''Me?'' ''Yes, since you are my friend now I wanted to draw you too.''

Looking at the figure once more I saw it wasn't like the others. It was drawn completely black with blue dots for eyes, large claws for hands, a dark blue collar with studs on its neck, pointy ears with 4 grey horns on its head and a tail with on the ends blue stripes for what I guessed were flames but.. how could she know. Something wasn't right.


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