Chapter 35. Sir, yes sir.

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HEY!! So it has been a while ÓAÒ...I got good news and bad news. Good news: I passed my finals!!  Bad news: This means I will have to go to a new school with new people that is pretty far away and I'm hella anxious.. I’ve been feeling particularly shitty lately because of those reasons. ;__; Gonna hang out with one of my parkour friends today so I hope he can cheer me up a little. Anyway enough sulking from me I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter ^^!

Also special thanks to all the people who wished me luck on my exams and stuff, it is really appreciated!



You’re way too smug about this.” He bend over me from his position between my legs and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I was kind of surprised by the soft gesture after he just bit me in the shoulder and freaking sucked me off but, I didn’t question it. He leaned away again as he stared in my eyes with a grin, I smiled shyly back at him. Our eye contact was broken as I heard that faint buzzing  noise once again. I looked over at my phone on my night stand, it could have been something important?

I propped myself up on my elbows and leaned over so I could grab my phone. Tyler followed my actions with a curious, narrow gaze.

It were 2 messages from Luke.

From: Luke

To: Unicorn

Hey Devis!  Do you have time? If you do, we could perhaps hang out. We could go to the park and you could teach me some rugby things? Only If you still want to of course.


From: Luke

To: Unicorn

I could come and pick you up?


From: Unicorn

To: Luke

Yeah I have time, give me about 45 min or so and of course I still want to help you or else I wouldn’t have offered it, would I?  


I added my address to the text so he could find my house and send it. All the while Tyler just stared at me in silence until it seemed I was done texting. “What was it?” “Oh, Luke texted me if I wanted to hang out.” Only then it occurred  to me that I was still half naked. I closed my legs and pulled my shirt down with one hand to cover myself up. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it already.’’ Tyler said as a smirk made its way on his face again.  “I know..I know.’’ I said blushing as the memories came flashing by again.

“I should probably go take a shower, Luke’s coming to pick me up in 45 minutes.’’ I said as I got out of bed and went over to my closet to get some clothes. Tyler’s smirk dropped as he hummed in reply letting himself fall back on the bed. I picked up my scattered boxer and shorts from the floor and threw them in the laundry basket as I locked myself in the bathroom.

I got rid of my shirt and looked in the mirror, examining the bite mark on my left shoulder. It didn’t look all too deep and didn’t hurt either. Tyler’s spit must have done its magic, but he choose not to completely heal it. It looked more like something feral had made it than human by the holes that seemed to have been made by canines. Was this his way of leaving hickeys? I shrugged at my reflection. Luckily it was low enough to cover with a shirt collar.

After about 45 minutes I had just finished breakfast. I was wearing a blue flannel dress shirt (for extra precaution) with the sleeves rolled up, black ripped jeans and red all-stars. I heard the door bell ring and opened it revealing Luke out of breath standing in the door way. His expression brightened immediately and he straightened his posture as he saw me.  He was dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt with a backpack on his back. When he said he’d pick me up I honestly expected some sort of transport but failed to see one.

‘’Hey.’’ He said between  between pants. “Hi, did you.. seriously run all the way here?’’ I asked him surprised. ‘’Yes, well I jogged actually. I thought it would be a good exercise and warm up.’’ He replied rubbing himself behind the neck, smiling down at me. I shrugged. “Can’t argue with that.’’  Luckily the park wasn’t that far so we walked a short 15 minutes before arriving.

There weren’t many people, for this nice of a weather, except for one family having a picnic, a small group of children playing and occasionally someone walking by with their dog. We looked up an area of open field where no one would be in our way.

“Since you already had a warm up I assume you’re ready to start?’’

“Sir, yes sir!’’ Luke said as he held the rugby ball in his other hand. “You really don’t have to call me sir.’’ I said smiling awkwardly. ‘’Haha, all right then.’’ He answered smiling back.  “Anyway, hand me the ball and make some distance between us, I want to see how you catch.’’ ‘’Okay!’’He replied handing me the ball before backing up a few meters and I did the same.  As we created a fair distance I threw the ball to him.

I saw him make a move to catch it before I heard a soft yelp from the distance. He almost had it but it rebounded against his hands. “Sorry!’’ He yelled as he went to retrieve the ball from the ground. ‘’It’s okay, now throw it to me!’’ As he had the ball again he threw it back to me. The ball flipped a few times in the air before it was about to land a meter or 4 in front of me, but moving quickly I caught it.

“Come here for a moment!”I called out to him as I motioning with my hand. He came running to me until he stood before me. ‘’I got a tip. When you catch the ball try to move a little with the momentum . That way there is less change of it rebounding.’’ He nodded with a serious expression on his face. “I saw that the ball flipped a few times in the air, can you show me how you hold it right before you throw it?’’ I requested as I held the ball out to him.

‘’Alright.’’ He replied taking the ball in his hand and making a throwing pose. “Hold the ball a little more to the end.’’ He did as I told. “Okay then, your pose is good just make sure that when you throw your arm is fully extended. Let your finger tips linger on the ball for as long as possible so the ball just rolls out of your hand. Also, when the ball has left you hands your thumb should be facing down and your palm facing out.’’ He nodded once more. ‘’Yes coa-.. I mean Devis. Sorry for a moment you sounded allot like the coach, but I like the way you explain more it has a.. nicer sound to it. ’’ He said embarrassed  turning red as his serious expression turned into a smile. “It’s okay and Thanks I guess.’’ I said awkwardly smiling back. ‘’Anyway, let’s try that again.’’


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