Chapter 33. It's a name.

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Hey It's been a while again hasn't it? Ahhh, Allot of stuff has happened.. I've done some exams and I think they went okay,  I hope I passed them. Sadly I missed one, math, because I got sick and still need to do that one on the 17th this month =A=" ugh. Also I came out as gender fluid and pansexual to my mom and best friend. My mom was a little confused and I think she still doesn't get it considering she kinds of ignores it but said at the moment I told her that she still loved me and that I'd stay her kid. Friend on the other hand took it good I think? She was a little shocked but somewhere already expected something along the line. But anyway after I do the math exam I should be completely done with finals if I pass all of them. My sister from Ireland is here again also and we went to the movies in Amsterdam and I bought some more shingeki no koyjin merch, hehe I'm too deep in that fandom.

Anyway, anyway I hope you guys like the chapter it's not the most exiting one but prepare yourselves for some smut in the next one!

 It's like 3:00 in the morning I'm hella tired, you guys should be lucky I'm uploading now,LDS out~



What was with all the short replies al of a sudden? I wondered a little worried if he himself was okay as I made my way downstairs. "Ah there you are.'' My dad said as I arrived downstairs. He must have come home while I was upstairs. The table was already served, they were all waiting for me. I took place in the empty seat next to Amy.  "Devis! Devis! I helped making the food, you have to try it.'' Amy said enthusiastic. "I'll try it don't worry.'' I said smiling at her.

As all the food was served I tried a few bites. "It's very good.'' I praised her. She seemed satisfied with my comment and ate her meal with a smile. My parent's softly smiled at us being happy we could still find it that well even after we hadn't seen each other in so long, I would have guessed. "So honey, will you tell Devis what you told me?'' My mom asked Amy. "Okay!'' She chimed. "This morning I had to wake up reeeally early because I had to wave mommy out. That made me sad but your mommy, auntie Gabrielle was there so it was okay. Mommy told me I'd be staying  with you and your mommy and daddy for a little while because she has business she needs to do in Gemny.''  "Don't you mean Germany, dear?'' My dad corrected her. "Ah, yes! Oh and then we had to ride aaall the way over here and that took a long time but auntie let me help with the cooking and that was fun.'' "I'm happy to hear you had at least some fun.'' I told her.   

Dinner was more dragged out than usual with all the  little story's Amy had to tell but no one minded.  After we finished I offered to do the dishes and Amy insisted that she would help too. She was really a nice kid. I wondered why she had a hard time with making friends. When we were done I made some chocolate milk for the both of us remembering she told in one of her story's that she liked chocolate milk and we watched some Television with the rest.

After a while my mom told Amy she had to go to bed and I went up to my room as well. Tyler was there laying on his side on my bed on top of the blankets . I assumed he had fallen asleep so I took some clothes and a towel and went to take a shower.

 As I got out of the bathroom I looked at his, what I thought  sleeping form until I saw his head moving up when I closed the bathroom door behind me. "Welcome back.'' He said with a neutral expression. "Thanks." I replied. "Devis.'' "Yeah?'' ''What more did that fortune teller lady tell you?'' He asked as he sat up. "uh..uhm she told Luke's ''supposedly'' future by palm reading if she was even a real fortune teller -'' "Luke?'' Tyler interrupted me mid sentence. "A new friend from school, I bumped into him at the grocery store.'' He nodded gesturing me to continue.

"Well his future was suppose to be good but when she read mine she started to tremble and looked scared all of a sudden..She murmured something really softly. I could barely even hear her but if I heard her right she said 'Raiden'.''

Something shifted in Tyler's eyes all of a sudden. He softly winced in pain closing his eyes as he moved one of his hands to hold his head. ''Tyler! are you okay?'' I asked worriedly as I hurried at his side. "It's a name.''


 "Raiden, It's my name.'' He said.

I was silent for a moment unsure of what to say. He had said before that he didn't remember much about before he got send to the world between the living and dead,  but this meant he remembered something again ..right?  I took place on the bed in front of him my legs folded under me. " Do you.. do you remember more?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No.. that's it.'' He looked down in a stare distracted by his own thoughts. "Well it's something?'' I replied trying to cheer him up if only by a tad,  although it didn't seem too affect him. "Uh, I could call you Raiden from now on if you want?'' He looked up and suddenly pulled me into his chest. I gasped in surprise.  "No it's fine, you named things so you could call out to them right? I want you to be able to call out to me.''

A light blush made its way on my cheeks. I fisted some of the fabric  of his shirt in my hands as I tried to relax in his embrace. "It doesn't mean I can't call out to you if I'm not the one who named you, if that's what you're thinking?'' "That's not it,'' He said smirking as he rested his chin on my head. "I like Tyler better, because it was you who named me.'' "Oh, haha.." I said trying to laugh the embarrassment away.  I stayed in his arms for a little while longer before I felt my eyes start to droop and everything went black.


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I might not reply to all of the comments but I sure as hell read all of them and they turn a smile on my face :3 If you'd just like to contact me or just have a random talk you can always send me a private message, I always reply to those. ^7^!!

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