Chapter 2. Party?

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''Hey guys, I wanted to invite you for this party I'm having tonight. Be sure to bring some friends.'' She said Brushing some of her Barbie blond hair behind her ear. Megan winked at Ian. ''Oh, I'm in.'' Ian said while looking in Megan's eyes, smirking at her. ''You're coming too right, Devis?'' Ashley said pouting while she placed her arms around my neck. I held in a growl. I looked away as her face came to close to mine. ''I'll think about it okay.'' I said wanting her to just let go of me. ''Great, see you guys tonight she winked as she let go of me and walked away with Megan tagging along with her. "Were going to par-tay!'' Ian yelled, maybe a bit too loud since most of the people still in the hall were staring at us. "Dude calm down.'' I said. ''I'm so going to get drunk.'' He said with a smile as he closed his locker. ''I'd like to believe that. I'll be there for you to come and pick you up  when you pass out.'' We walked to his car.

 ''Wait what? You're not going?'' ''Nah, don't feel like it bro.'' I said brushing my hand through my hair. He shrugged. ''Suit yourself but I think Ashley's not going to be happy with that.'' ''What do you mean?'' I said as I took place in the front seat of his car. ''Haven't you noticed? That girl has a crush on you.'' He said, taking place in the driver's seat, starting the motor. "Well too bad for her, I'm not into girls.''

He pulled up his car from the schools car park and drove to the direction of my house. ''Why don't you give it a try?''He asked. I chuckled. ''Don't make me laugh dude." Ian parked his car in front of my house when he finally arrived after 15 minutes.

 ''Want to come in to play some video games or something?'' I asked as I stepped out.

''Sure dude.'' He replied as he followed me inside. ''Welcome home Devis.'' I was greeted by my mom as she walked into the living room. ''Hi mom.'' I said dropping my backpack in the hall. ''I see you brought Ian, nice to see you again.'' My mother smiled. ''Hello Mrs. Patterson.'' Ian replied politely before walked up the stairs to my room. My room was kind of big I was proud about that. What did you expect? Me being only child. Sometimes it was kind of lonely but Ian made up for that being like a brother to me. Like every average teenage boy my room was kind of a mess, clothes scattered around the floor. Ian didn't mind, being used to it. As if his room was any cleaner? Though my mom was another story. I picked up my X Box controller and passed my other to Ian. We played shooting games for I don't know how long till he said he had to go home making himself ready for the party Ashley was giving. ''Bro I gotta go will I be in time for Ashley's party.'' He said as he stood up. It was about 10 o clock now I guessed. He stayed over for supper like he sometimes does. ''It's okay go ahead.'' I said. ''You sure you don't want to come along?'' Never would I go voluntarily near Ashley on purpose. ''I'm fine, dude.'' I said smiling. ''Okay see you later, bro.'' He said as he fist bumped me and left my room.

The rest of my night was pretty boring. I played some videogames watched some movies drew a bit. Yes I like to draw sometimes though I don't think I'm that good at it. It was now half past 1, I was laying on my bed staring at the sealing till my pants began to vibrate. I pulled my phone out of my pocked not looking at the dialer as I picked up.

''Hello?''I said. ''Hey Devis, I think you might want to pick up that friend of yours.'' Said a familiar voice. I could hear the loud music in the back ground. ''Hey Lance, what did Ian do now?'' I said mentally face palming. Lance was a guy out of my class. He is also part of the rugby team were I was ones part of but I left the team after I found out I was gay. We were pretty good friends only he doesn't know my secret. ''Let's just say I think he's partied out.'' he replied. ''Okay got it, bye.'' I said hanging up. I pulled on my leather jacket as I grabbed my dad's car keys out of the little key closet that was hanging in the hall being as silence as possible. I was driving 2 streets away from Ashley's house already hearing the booming music. 

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