Chapter 6. The offer is blood.

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- LivingDeadSoul


''Hey guys how about we try something?'' Nova said all of a sudden. ''Try what?'' I asked her.

''Well, I bought a witchcraft book yesterday at a new bookstore and I thought: why don't we try something out of it?'' Ian shrugged. ''Sure why not?'' ''You guys don't seriously believe in that kind of shit right?'' I said while raising an eyebrow. ''Of course not bro.'' Ian replied. '' Just for the sake of fun why not try something out of it?''Nova said. ''You got a point there.'' I agreed.

''I'll go get the book!'' Nova said and disappeared upstairs only to come back with an old looking book. Ian looked at it while rubbing his imaginary beard. ''Seems legit.'' ''So... what did you want to try?'' Matt said looking nerves. ''I had read something about calling up demons, how about we try that?'' ''Why not.'' I said not really expecting anything of it. ''Sure.'' Ian said. ''Great follow me to the attic.'' Nova said as she left to the kitchen and came back with a knife, 5 candles, a white crayon and a lighter. ''W-wait what do you need that for?'' Matt asked as he pointed at the knife. ''You'll see.'' She said and walked up the stairs while smiling. We followed her all sharing the same thought: where did she need that knife for?''

When we were upstairs she pulled at a cord on the ceiling and an opening emerged as a ladder came falling from it. She climbed the ladder as she lit the lighter to see where she was going in the dark. We all stood in the dark attic now the only thing we could see was the light of the lighter Nova was holding. I heard her click on the light switch and was greeted by the light. I looked around and saw a small window in the wall covered with a curtain and some old stuff that lay in the corner of the attic. It wasn't much though the attic wasn't that big either unlike her huge house. I looked at Nova as she placed all the stuff she was carrying on the floor. I then looked at Matt who looked as if something was bordering him. I walked over to where he stood. ''Hey Matt are you alright?'' He looked up shocked out of his own thoughts. ''I-I'm fine.'' ''Okay, if you say so.'' I said doubting his answer.

I watched as Nova started drawing something on the attic floor with the white crayon. She had the book open on a page with allot of text, it looked as if it was hand written. I scanned the 2 pages and saw something drawn in there that looked like the thing Nova was drawing. It was some sort of ..pentagram? She placed 5 candles around the pentagram and lit them. ''Ian can you switch the light off?'' Nova asked. ''Sure.'' Ian said, and as I heard a clicking sound the room was dark again except for the candle light and the little bit of moon light that shone through the curtains of the attic window .''Okay guys sit down around this pentagram.'' Nova said. We all did as she asked and sat around it in almost a perfect circle. She picked up the book and placed it in front of her on the ground. She then picked up the knife and exchanged looks with us. ''The book says we need a sacrifice.'' She said with a calm voice. ''W-wait what? You're not going to kill one of us are you?!'' Matt said shocked. ''Haha, no silly don't worry. All I need is just a little blood.'' He let out a breath in relieve. He couldn't serially be thinking Nova would kill one of us.. right? Ian held in a laugh. ''So we got any volunteer?'' As I saw that no one made a move I said ''Fine, I'll do it and prove that this shit is fake.'' It's just a little blood what could happen? ''How nice of you Devis.'' She said smiling.

''M-maybe we shouldn't be doing this..'' Matt said. ''Why not.'' Ian asked. ''What if it is.. real?'' ''It's not don't worry about it matt.'' I said with a small smile. ''Yeah don't worry.'' Nova said while handing me the knife. ''So where do I cut?'' She looked in the book for a second. ''It says that you are suppose to make a cut in the inside of your left hand and then let it drop in the middle of the pentagram.'' ''Okay then, here goes nothing.'' I held my hand above the pentagram as I raised the knife. I Looked away as I slowly slit the inside of my hand deeper then I actually wanted. I looked back to my hand as blood started dripping from the cut onto the pentagram. The cut started to sting a little but I couldn't let that bother me.

Nova started rambling, saying words that I couldn't quite make sense of. Words that I never heard before. All of a sudden the cut in my hand started to sting more and more. I bit my bottom lip trying to ignore the pain. Whatever she was saying it sounded like some sort of spell? I looked around the circle and saw Ian look with a confused face and Matt with something that looked like worry. I turned my head to see that Nova had finished the 'spell' and now looked at me with a ''And?'' glance.

We were all silence for a moment as all of a sudden a cold breeze past us sending goose bumps on my arm and blew out the candles. I  heard Matt gasp. I stiffened for a moment as I felt something like a warm breath on my neck. I turned around not seeing anything. What was that?

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