Chapter 37. How nice.

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G'day mates! It's been a long while since I updated I know..School has started and every day I get home I’m just so dead tired.. but since I’m sick I found some time to write. Also school isn’t so bad as I thought it would be. It’s actually quite fun and I found friends way faster than I thought I would! Honestly everyone is so nice, there isn’t 1 person I’ve met in my class that I dislike or dislikes me which is really nice. But then again school work.. I already had 2 video projects and am currently busy with 1 stop motion project and 1 special affect project so it takes allot of my time ;__; I’ll try my best to update soon again! Anyway I hope you enjoy this new chapter~



Devis’ POV:

As we practiced more I saw clear improvement. I let him pass to me while running and vice versa. Apparently my tips helped so I thought we should go over to something else. “Okay so I see you got the hang of it, good work Luke’’ I encouraged him. A bright smile turned on his tired face. “You really think so?’’

“Yeah, it seems like you became better.’’ I said smiled back at him.

“Okay next thing, tackle me.’’ “What?’’ Luke said in confusion. “Give me the ball and try to tackle me.’’ “But, I don’t want to hurt you?’’ “Don’t worry you’re not going to hurt me.’’ I reassured him. He threw me the ball and I started to run. I saw reluctance in his expression before I turned around  but he did it anyway, I realized as I hit the ground hard with a weight on top of me.

“Are you okay Devis? I didn’t hurt you did I?’’ He asked concerned. Quickly getting off of me he held his hand out for me to grab. “I’m fine don’t worry.’’ I replied taking his hand and letting him pull me up. ‘’Well at least you don’t miss the strength.’’ I chuckled dusting the sand off my pants.  He smiled apologetic in reply.

After a little more training we took a break and got something to drink from a nearby supermarket. We were sitting in the shadows against one of the trees in the park. We were both exhausted and sweating. I could swear I saw more freckles on Luke’s face now than before we started training.  Regretting now that I was wearing a dress shirt, I popped open some buttons before taking a chug of my coke.  I might have popped open a few too many regardtiling Luke’s astonished statement. “’Wow, what happened to your shoulder Devis? Had a wild night with a girl or an animal?’’

Shit, I forgot. Choking on my coke I coughed a few times before stammering a ‘’N-no! I got uh.. attacked by a dog.’’ Blushing I put my coke down and looked at my shirt, quickly trying to button it up again. “Was it a guy than?’’ “W-what? I told you, it was a dog!’’ I could feel my face heath up even more. Oh fuck no, he’s going to tell everyone isn’t he? the whole school will know.

 I heard him chuckle softly. “It’s okay don’t worry. I won’t judge you besides, I’m bi myself.’’ Surprised, I looked up at him. “Really?’’ His expression was turned into a soft smile yet I could see some faint sadness and or jealousy in his eyes. “Yes, so don’t worry your secret is safe with me.’’ ‘’Thank you.’’ I replied embarrassed, smiling back at him. It was awkwardly silence after that. I took a few more gulps of my coke before I emptied the bottle. ‘’You’re really nice Devis, Ian is lucky to have you as a friend.’’ Luke said out of nowhere. Not really knowing how to respond to that, I just settled for an ‘’Uh, thanks.’’

He suddenly stood up. “Anyway I think I should go home. Thank you for all the help, I really appreciated it.’’ Following his movements I stood up as well. “You’re welcome.’’ I replied. Pointing to the other side of the park he spoke “Well, I actually got to go this way so, see you later Devis, I hope we can do this again soon.’’ “Oh yeah sure, well bye, good luck on jogging back home.’’ ‘’Thanks’’ He laughed, waving as he started to jog in the direction he pointed at earlier.

Bending down I picked up my empty coke bottle before walking to a trash can and dumping it in the trash.  Well that went better than expected, I thought to myself as I started walking in the opposite direction Luke went. I’m glad I could help him though I’m embarrassed he saw the mark Tyler left on me..I’ll ask him to fully heal it when I’m home..don’t want another incident like that.

The sun was setting making the sky an orange, purple color. I was walking on the sidewalk with my hands in my pants pockets. Walking alone the trip back suddenly seemed to take more time. If only I had taken my headphones with me. I sighed staring at the ground as I walked.

A cold gush of wind blew my chocolate brown bangs out of my face and send a tremble down my spine. Suddenly the atmosphere seemed to feel different. Call me paranoid but, I had that exact same feeling ones more from back in the alley when that cat scared me. The feeling of someone watching you, staring you down, observing you. I hunched my shoulder closer to my neck for warmth, feeling uncomfortable as I walked. The streets were empty but, looking up to the sky I saw something move in the corner of my eye. It was a crow sitting up in a tree next to the sidewalk. It cawed startling me before it flew up. Sighing ones more out of relieve I sped up my pace home. What is it with animals scaring me these days? 

“So how was every one’s day?’’ My mom asked as we were all sitting at the dining table. Amy was happily munching on the dish my mom made and so was my dad or at least he seemed satisfied. I was picking at my food a little, sometimes taking a bite. It wasn't like I was not enjoying it, I just didn't feel that hungry. Amy was first to answer my mom's question. “Today was fun! I made a new friend and we drew together.’’ She said smiling. “Would you tell us about your new friend? ’’My mother replied. ‘’He’s nice! I drew a drawing with all of us on it, even him too. He told me I should  practice more with drawing, but that’s okay. I told him I’ll become reaally good. ‘’Oh, how nice honey.’’ I stopped mid chew as I remembered..wasn’t Amy home all day?

‘’Can you show us the drawing after dinner?’’My mom asked. Amy shook her head. ‘’Nuh uh, I can’t.  He asked if he could have it so I gave it to him, but I don’t think he’s from around here since he didn’t know about hand shaking.’’ Wait, it’s not..or is it? “And what did you say his name was again sweetheart?’’The expression on my mom's face changed to one of slight worry this time as she spoke.‘’His name’s Tyler.’’ She replied smiling.  ‘’For fuck sake.’’ 


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