Chapter 47. The reveal.

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Hey, So I think there might only be like 2/3 chapters left? We're coming very close to an end. I hope you people still like this story.  Literally you guys are the only reason why I continue it. Thanks for sitting with me in the long run of my slow ass updating.  

I hope you enjoy it



The week had gone rather fast and before I knew it, it was Thursday night. I was leaning with my back against Tyler's chest with Amy laying against mine, half asleep in her pajamas. I closed the book I was previously reading to her and undid her pig tails. Her short locks fell just above her shoulders in big brown curls. Her eye lids drooped as I carted my hands trough them. My room light was off except for the soft yellow light emanating off of the lamp on my nightstand, illuminating a small section of my room. Tyler leaning his chin on my shoulder looked down at her small form as she had fallen asleep. ''As I predicted, short hair looks nice on her.'' he said softly as not to wake her.

''Agreed.'' I said removing my hand from her hair and lousily wrapping them around her instead. We had gone together this weekend to get Amy's hair cut. She was beyond ecstatic to finally get it done. And was still very happy, wearing a smile even days after.

''She mentioned the other day how a girl had complimented her on her hair, and that they have been playing together since,'' Tyler said.

''Really? I guess she's finally made a friend. I'm glad,'' I said as a smile formed on my lips.

Tyler brushed his hand trough my hair swiping back my fringe as he placed a kiss on my temple. ''Me too. I'll bring her to her room,'' he replied before he carefully moved from behind me and gently scooped Amy up in his arms. It was weird how domestic this all felt, I thought as my eyes followed them as he carried her off into the hallway.

Except for that little incident with Tyler in the bathroom I had barely noticed Tyler's presence at school like he said. If I did see him he was usually hanging with Porcelain. From their brief meeting where they almost killed each other, it didn't seem like they were on the best terms, but if I thought more about it, they could be those friends who always offended each other but were still sort of buddies. Yeah that could fit them. It must be nice to have another demon friend for him I guess. I can't say I wasn't a bit jealous but I understood there was nothing going on between them.

I only ever met up with Tyler at school alone every once in a while. He walked to school with me and home if Ian couldn't bring me which was the case quite allot lately. Ian had practices everyday this week after school with Luke, and the rest of the Team. There were no more Demon attacks with Tyler at my side and all seemed quite calm again.

I had asked him why he thought the demon attack had happened, and he referred back to when he took the water bottle as metaphor for the way that his soul is inside me. 'If a demon kills another demon, and takes their soul, it works as a major power boost. Especially if the demon who's soul is taken is a powerful one. And what is easier than stealing a soul of a demon from a human?' he had said. It sort of made sense to me, if I was a demon after another demon for their soul, I'd rather fight a human who is weaker than risk being killed by a powerful demon.

My phone buzzing from on top of my night stand brought me back from my deep thought and I picked it up replacing it with the book I was reading to Amy.


From: Luke

To: Unicorn

Thanks again for helping me with training, Devis.

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