Chapter 50. Shit's about to go down.

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Eyyyy.... I still promised myself I would finish this story even if it may take years apparently wow haha. Next chapter will be the last one. I promise I won't take another half year to update for that. It's already half finished so look forward to that, or not haha. Little update on my life I'm almost proud to say that I am an animator haha. Just gotta redo one dutch exam and hear my evaluation for my end project which I rlly hope I passed. And than I'll be an animator! :D other good news! I got into another art school! So After this I'll be going to study to become a game artist! :D  

Anyway enjoy~


As I opened the door I was met with 2 small arms encircling my stomach. I put my hand on Amy's head as I heard her sniff lightly. ''Hey don't cry, it's okay, I'm here.''

''Devis! Oh goodness I was worried sick about you!'' I heard my mom say as she opened the hallway door.

I smiled apologetically at her ''I'm fine mom, I stayed at.. '' the smile turned more to one of content ''at a friend's house yesterday.''

She shook her head as she embraced me into her arms, squishing Amy between us.

''At least text or call me next time, don't make me worry so much about you Devis, you're my only child, I wouldn't know what I'd do if something happened to you.''

''I'm sorry mom..I promise I will,'' I re        plied hugging her back. I heard Amy groan a bit between us making my mom release me.

''Oh I'm so sorry dear,'' she said giving a caress over her head. She directed her attention from her back to me ''And don't make Amy worry so much either. She stayed waiting in front of the door the entire morning after she couldn't find you in your room. ''

''Sorry Amy. Like I said, I'm fine nothing to worry about,'' I said as I bent through my knees to hug her at her level.

Her sniffling stopped and she wiped her tears away as she looked at me with a pouty face.

''I promise I'll play with you later today okay?'' I offered to make it up with her.

She leaned over to whisper in my ear, ''Will Tyler play too?''

I cupped her ear whispering back to her. ''I'll talk to him and make sure he will.''

Her face immediately brightened up and I smiled back at her.

''Hey, what are you two whispering about,'' My mom asked softly pinching Amy's cheek.

''Nothing!'' Amy said with a cheerful voice as she scampered out of the hallway.

I followed her out into the living room and saw my dad looking up from where he stood in the kitchen. ''Told you he'd be fine, Gabriella ,'' he said directed to my mother.

''Thanks for worrying about me too dad, anyway I'm gonna change my clothes.'' I remarked as I made my way upstairs.

''Be sure to come down for dinner in a bit, your dad is giving cooking another try today.'' My mom said with a pleased voice.

I yelled a 'I will' downstairs as I was at the last stair step.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of my door preparing myself to see Tyler again. I couldn't hear anything from inside. Was he sleeping? I slowly opened the door. As soon as it was open I was pushed against my room wall. It wasn't rough at all but it sure surprised me. Tyler was pressed against me and he had his face buried in my neck.

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