Chapter 30: Suspicious

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Alex POV:

"Have you seen Vanessa?" I asked Cole

"Last time I saw her she was with Tyler and Daniel. Maybe ask one of them" he replied.

"I haven't seen Tyler much today, but I know Daniel was talking to coach last time I saw him" Michael said


"why are you looking for her? OMG do you also like her?" yelled Mason

"What no. what do you mean Also?" I asked confused

"It's pretty obvious that Tyler has feeling for her. I mean he is always with her and he is actually being nice to her, something that Tyler doesn't do to many people" Michael said and all the other boys agreed with him.

"I ship them" Cole said

"Me too" Mason and Michel said at the same time

"Well, no I don't like her in that way. I-" I was saying before I heard my phone ring


"I have to go, see you later" I said walking away for the group of boys in the hallway.

"You called?" I heard him say with his Russian accent on the other side of the phone.

"I did, thanks for calling back" I said.

"Talk!" he said.

"Where are you? we need to talk" I finally said.

"Meet me at the usual spot in 10 minutes" he finally said than hang up the phone before I could say anything.

I drove to our usual meeting spot and waited for him to show up. After a few minutes I saw a black Rolls Royce pulling up behind me. I get off the car and walked over to his. I open the back door and made my way inside.

"Hello Father" I greeted him. He was sat on the other end by the window and I on the opposite end. He was wearing a black suit with a red tie. He had his dark black hair styled and wore his usual glasses.

"Aleksandr, what is so important you needed to meet up?" he asked

"I think she is up to something. She has been acting very suspicious lately and has been disappearing during the day." I explained

"So, what do you want me to do? Kill her and her family?" he sarcastically said.

"No, all I'm asking is for advise on what I should do" I said

"if you want to take over MY mafia you should be able to think fast and act faster then the other Mafias, there is no time to ask for advise! Do you think I ask for advise? No, I act!" he said furiously

"I know you don't but maybe you can help me this one time. please" I begged

"You are my only son and the Mafia is yours as well, but if you can't get a small and easy talk done then I don't think you are ready to take over my Mafia. I might let someone else take over it, someone more responsible and better at their jobs than you" he said " Do something and try not to disappoint me again"

"Yes sir!" I said trying not to sound angry

"Убирайся вон" he ordered in Russian.

I did as I was told and got out of his car. I wandered back to my car and watched as he drove away. After a few minutes I drove back to school.

I arrive at school and just in time for practice. I make my way to the boys locker room and get my stuff. I then make my way to the field where the boys were. We started warming up as always and after a few minutes Tyler showed up followed by Nessa who joined her track and field team.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to go to the hospital" he said and I knew he was lying

We started practice and yet I couldn't stop wondering what I should do about Vanessa. She is a good person and honestly, I don't want to hurt her, but I don't think I have a choice. If she doesn't tell me what I want to know then she will have to deal with the consequences.

"Hey Nessa, can you help me with English this afternoon?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

"Sure, I was also going to help Tyler maybe we can all meet up later?" she suggested. Oh, Nessa you are such a horrible liar

I don't want Tyler there as well, but I guess I can take care of him as well

"Sure My house?" I suggested.

"Yeah" she nervously replied.

"What are you two talking about?" Asked Tyler from behind me

"Remember how we were supposed to meet up for English later?" Vanessa reminded Tyler

"Yeah" Tyler said looking a bit confused

Of course he is confused because they were not supposed to meet, she just doesnt want to be alone with me, because she actually knows something about me.

I wonder what?

"So, we are meeting at Alex's house later" she finished.

"Oh okay" he said.

"Cool, see you two after school than" I said walking away leaving them by themselves

Well, that's going to be a bit difficult if Tyler is going to be there, but I'm sure I can get rid of him easily. he isn't as tough as he pretends to be. I know all of his weaknesses

Author's note:

what do you think Alex is up to? let me know what you think

the next chapter will be up soon

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