Chapter 31: Where am I?

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Alex POV:

Ding dong

I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and made my way towards the door. I opened the door and there they were. Tyler Scott and Vanessa Smith. Now that I think about it Smith isn't an Italian name, maybe that's their fake name or maybe they aren't Italians at all

Alex focus

"Please come on in, should we go to the office upstairs?" I suggested.

"Sure" both Tyler and Vanessa said walking in. we made our way upstairs to the office and sat down at the table. We worked through some English work. Its been a while since they got here and I need to do something before they leave.

"I'm going to get some snack and drinks. Do you want anything?" I asked.

"Sure" they said. which is stupid if they know who I am but its better for me.

I made my way downstairs to grab some snacks and drinks. I get a pack of chips and some orange juice for all of us. I open the cupboard where the GHB was. This the drug that people use on girls in clubs to make the pass out and hopefully it would work on them. It will take 10 to 20 minutes for them to pass out and then I'll go on with my original plan.

I make my way upstairs with the drinks and the chips and set back on the table where Tyler and Vanessa were sitting. I hand them their drinks and take a sip of my own drink.

After a while they both took sips of their own drinks.

Good, now I wait.

After exactly 13 minutes both Tyler and Vanessa passed out. I got my phone out and made a phone call.

"It's time. Take him!" I ordered than turned off my phone.

"Alright Vanessa lets go for a ride." I picked her up which was honestly not that difficult as she is literally as light as a feather. I took her downstairs and put her in my car. I put her seatbelt on and made sure to tie her hands with some string. Just in case she wakes up while Im driving.

I got on my car and drive away. The trip there was quiet as Vanessa slept peacefully. When I arrived I told the boys to take her to one of the abandoned rooms.

Vanessa POV:

I opened my eyes slowly revelling a strange place. I was set on a chair and my hands and feet were tied. I took a good look around the room where I was, the paint was peeling, the windows were smashed, and the shingles were ripped from the roof, possibly due to previous storms or maybe ever a fire. What caught my attention was a man like figure in the corner of the room.

"Hello?" I said.

My head hurts

The man walked out of the room and I heard some voices on the other end of the door then suddenly the door burst open revelling the one and only Aleksandr Smirnov.

"ha! Vanessa Rose Smith, you're awake" he said sounding surprised

"Was I not supposed to wake up?" I questioned strongly "Where am I?" I asked trying to break myself free from this chair

"I'll let you go soon, it's simple I'm going to ask you a few questions and you will answer them" he explained

"and if I don't?" I asked annoyed

"Then my friend Dimitri will teach you a lesson, maybe leave some scares. It all depends on how good you behave." He explained

"I'm not scared of you Aleksandr" I said firmly

"That's because you don't know what I'm capable of, I'm more dangerous than you think Vanessa" he said annoyed

I could feel my blood boiling of anger. when I break loose I'll teach you and that Dimitri guy a lesson.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked

"You brought me here. How the fuck should I know?" I answered angrily

"Don't be stupid, you know what I mean."

"Well, I guess your father hasn't told you has he?"

"The fact that he killed your mother?" he stated

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. "I'm guessing he didnt tell you. Poor Aleksandr" I confirmed

"It's not time for games Vanessa. I'm trying to be nice here. Answer my questions or Dimitri will come in" he explained once again

"DIMITRI!!" I called out "I guess you better get him in here because I'm not telling you shit."

"Very well then Vanessa. Dimitri shall pay you a visit" he said with an awful smirk on his face. and just like that Alex left the room and a muscular, well-tanned, and tall guy walked in.

"Dimitri, nice to meet you" I said annoyed. Before I could say anything, he slapped me across the face with his open left hand followed by nonstop punches and kicks on my ribs. My hands wear tied up so I couldnt help but feel the pain. I absorbed the trauma and swallowing the pain.

I was taking a deep breath. My ribcage hurt. I breathed out, inhaled again. My mind was swimming. I felt my stomach tighten, and I threw up, which hurt the ribs a little more. That's the way I lived for a while. My eyes were a little clearer. Multiple tiny incisions on the thighs, all just breaking up the tissue. I could see that Dimitri was standing tall in front of me. All was blurred for a minute, and then it came back to focus again. I inhaled a bit more, and I felt a little steadier.

"Had fun?" I heard Alex asking. I looked up and saw he was leaning against the door.

"You should really get a better person to torture your enemies. Dimitri punches worse than a 13 year old girl" I said couching out blood

"Your face says otherwise" he laughed "I'll give you time to think." Leaving me all alone in this cold, abandoned and dark room. I was in so much pain that I could feel my eyes getting heavier and eventually close.

Author's note:

Now we know what type of person Alex really is. what do you think is going to happen?

Chapter 32 will be out soon

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