Chapter 34: Waking up

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Tyler POV:

Its been 2 weeks since the kidnap and we still haven't seen or heard of Alex, which don't get me wrong it's good. Vanessa was in hospital so she can get a proper check up and she is finally out with a few stitches and broken ribs.

I've been visiting Tessa everyday as always and she still hasn't woken up. The doctors say she is doing well and we just need to be patient that she can wake up soon. Vanessa and I still havent talked about the kiss that happened 2 weeks ago and honestly, I don't know how to bring it up.

Oh yeah Vanessa why did you kiss me? Not that I didn't like it but I'm just wondering.

That sounds stupid Tyler!

"Tyler, I'm leaving in 10. I'm going to visit Tessa do you want to come?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs bringing me back to reality.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I rushed downstairs and hoped in the car waiting for my mom. She gets in the car and we drive to the hospital. We parked the car and walked toward the front entrance. Since the kidnap, everytime I walk into this hospital it reminds me of the day I found Vanessa half beaten to death and this sends chills down my spine. It was horrible seeing her covered in blood and unconscious.

A real nightmare

"Here for Tessa Scott" my mom said to the lady

Why does she keep telling them, we literally come here twice a day. I'm sure they know us by now. We walked to room 317 and saw my sister laying on the hospital bed connected to various machines. Her heart beat stronger than yesterday. Seeing her get better makes me so happy. My mom talked to her for a few minutes before getting some coffee for us.

"Hey Tess, it's me Tyler. I miss you so much. I can't wait for you to wake up so I can give you a tight and long hug and to just hear your voice." I said looking down at my sister. "You know, remember when I told you about Vanessa, we kissed a few weeks ago as you know and I know you would probably tell me to talk to her, but I still haven't. I mean I don't know how to." I honestly said "That's why I need you to wake up, so you can tell me what do to. I need you Tess."

I stayed with my sister for a while until my mom walked in with my coffee.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?" I asked my mom

"I'm good thank you" she replied. I walked out of her room and made my way to the vending machines. I looked at it deciding what to get then got a pack of chips. On my way back to the room I saw nurses and doctors running around more than usual

"We need a doctor in room 317 now!" yelled one of the nurses.

"Room 317. Shit Tessa!" I said whispered to myself rushing to the room where Tessa was and tried to push past the doctors but they wouldnt let me in

"Sir, you need to wait in the waiting room please!" said one of the nurses.

"I'm her brother, I need to see her please!" I begged.

"I'm afraid you can't. I'll let you know about anything as soon as possible. Please wait in the waiting room" she replied.

"Tyler, let them work" I heard my mom say from behind me.

"What happened? Is she alright?" I asked.

"her heart stopped beating so I called the doctors" my mom replied.

It cant be.

Tessa is strong. She will make it. I kept telling myself while I made my way to the waiting room with my mom. I sat on a chair and waited for the doctors to tell us anything but still nothing and its been 30 minutes already.

"Tyler!" I heard someone yell from the hallway. I looked up and saw both Vanessa and Daniel rushing toward where I was sitting.

"Is she okay?" asked Vanessa hugging me.

"I don't know, they still didn't tell me anything" I replied "how did you know?" I asked.

"Your mom called me" she replied sitting next to me holding my hand "She will be fine."

"I hope so" I honestly replied.

After an eternity I finally saw doctors coming our way

"Anything on Tessa Scott?" I asked the doctor.

"She had sudden cardiac arrest, meaning her heard stopped for a while, but we were able to treat it right away before it was too late." The doctor replied.

"Is she alright?" I asked once again

"She is, in fact better than ever. She is awake!" the doctor said with a smile on his face "there are specialist in there running some tests on her, you should be able to see her in a few"

"Thank you" my mom replied

"She's awake!" I cheered. Turning around to hug Vanessa

"She is" she whispered

"Mrs Scott, you may visit your daughter now" said one of the nurses

"we'll wait here" Said Vanessa sitting back down next to Daniel

I walked back to room 317, I took a deep breath before walking in to see my sister sitting up on the hospital bed

"Hey Tess!" my mom said

"Mom?" whispered Tessa. My mom walked to my sister and gave her a tight and long hug. I stood there and watch as tears of happiness fell down both my sisters and my moms cheeck.

"Tyler?" my sister said.

"Hey Tess" I said walking toward her bed with my arms wide open ready to give her a tight and long hug "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Ty" she said hugging me back

"Let me see if I can get the doctors to let Vanessa and Daniel in too" my mom said walking out of the room leaving me and my twin sister alone.

"Vanessa huh?" my sister said with a smirk on her face

"You remember?" I ask in shock.

"Of course, I heard everything you said and come on Tyler you have to do something about her. Ever since you meet her you have not stopped talking about her" she replied "I was honestly getting tired of hearing you talk about her constantly, and I couldn't even tell you to shut up" she laughed a bit

Knock, knock we heard someone knock at the door

"Come in!" we both said. Daniel and Vanessa walked in.

"Tessa!" Daniel cheered hugging my sister tightly.

"And you must be Vanessa" my sister said looking at Vanessa with wide arms waiting for a hug. Vanessa leaned in for the hug and I noticed Tessa whispering something to Vanessa and they both laughed.

What the hell?

"I approve Ty" Tessa whispered with a huge smile on her face.

Author's note:

Tessa is finally awake! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, keep reading to find out what happens next...

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