"How d'you feel about two boys...y'know...likin' each other?"

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Birch made a cup of hot chocolate to warm up from the cold night. "It'll be warm again tomorrow," Mary told him like she had many times before.

"I know Mary." Birch took a tiny sip of the chocolate, immediatley regretting it as the sweet, thick beverage burned his tongue. "You okay?" Mary asked. Birch nodded as he felt the scalding beverage pleasantly travel down his throat. He and his sister were sitting before a gentle fire in the fireplace. "Birch," she said softly. "Can I hear you play your fiddle?" She loved to listen to her brother's musical skills. He nodded and went to his room, returning with the violin in its black leather case. He clicked it open and took a moment to admire the shiny, cherry wood violin resting in its bed of red velour. Carefully, like it was a newborn baby, he lifted the violin and bow out of the case and began to play. Mary listened to the pleasant melody, watching the flames dance. When he was done, she clapped for him. "Bravo!" she said theatrically, and Birch's face lit up. At least she was appreciative towards his true talent. After being quiet for a few moments, Birch thought about asking Mary a very personal question. "Hey, Mary," he said quietly.

Mary shifted her eyes toward him, indicating she had his attention. Birch swallowed nervously. "How do you feel about two boys...y'know...likin' each other?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Like, romantic likin' each other? Like a boy 'n a girl likin' each other?"

Mary gazed into the fire. "Well, the Bible says it ain't a good thing. It says that boys are only s'possed to like girls, or else they're goin' to hell. Why d'you ask?" She looked at him, the left side of her face illuminated from the fire. It was stupidly obvious that they were fraternal twins. They had the same blond hair and brown eyes, but Mary's face was more rounded and she had a childlike button nose.

Birch's heart felt heavy. He and his sister were always so close. They told each other anything and everything, an now Birch felt like his sister was going to hate him. "I just wanted to know your opinion," he sad softly.

Birch and Lawrence **OLD**Where stories live. Discover now