A Surprise Reunion

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"Help me! Anybody, please help me!"

Lawrence was bawling like a baby, fingers intertwined through the wire cage. After hearing about his friendliness toward Birch, the klansmen relentlessly shoved him inside the cage and wouldn't let him out until he spilled the beans. Lawrence, being a loyal partner to Birch, refused to give them any information. So the klansmen repeatedly slapped him across the face until he was given a split lip, and when he STILL wouldn't open up, they just decided it would be fun to just leave him in the cage and go do other things. Even though Lawrence was terrified of the suffocating, claustrophobic prison where he was being held, he still refused to come clean about Birch.

Now, as it was beginning to rain, he curled up into a fetal position and sobbed. He clasped his hands together and sent up a prayer, asking God to let him live, and to not send him to hell for his forbidden love. He then began to worry about his mother, who was going to wake up and find him missing. How would she react? Was she going to be angry? Glad? Worried? It seemed like billions of thoughts were racing through his mind, all sorts of outcomes and predictions and visions-

Then, a soft voice behind him. "...Lawrence?"

Lawrence whipped his head around, and was face-to-face with Birch! He cried out his name joyfully and broke down in tears.

After running away from the church, Birch had ran about a half of a mile into the woods before he was surpised with this. Seeing Lawrence locked up in that cage had to have been one of the most difficult things Birch ever had to see. He dashed up to it and tried to touch Lawrence's cheek, but his hand was too large to fit through the squares in the wire grid. "What happened to you?" he asked breathlessly.

Lawrence was so worked up that he could barely speak. But Birch did understand that he was captured by the Ku Klux Klan and taken for questioning. Because of his refusal to snitch, Lawrence was put in the place where he currently was. 

Birch felt honored, knowing that Lawrence had sacrificed himself for their safety. How could he ever forgive him? By letting him out of his prison, of course. He told Lawrence to press his cheek against the wire, leaned close and lightly kissed it through the cage. "Don't worry, my love," he whispered soothingly. "I'll get you out."  

Carefully, Birch inspected the cage. He found a small latch and opened it. A door in the wire dropped down. "That oughta do it," he said with a smile. Lawrence crawled out and flung himself into Birch's arms, kissing his lips, face, and neck. Birch laughed. "Well, I'm happy to see you too, honey!" he said happily. Just then, Lawrence stopped kissing Birch and gasped. He stood silently with his mouth agape. "What's wrong?" Birch asked, puzzled.

Lawrence was unresponsive, but after a moment he buried his face into Birch's shoulder and cried. Surprised, Birch cuddled him and rubbed his back. "Did I say somethin' bad?" he asked guiltily. 

"My papa," Lawrence sobbed. "He used to call me 'honey' all the time."

".....Is that good or bad?" Birch said.

And then Lawrence proceeded to tell Birch everything. About how he was raised by his kind-hearted father until he was murdered by the KKK. About how he was forced to live with his abusive mother, who was a raging alcoholic. About how Birch was the only person who loved him. And as he listened, a heavy guilt weighed down on Birch's gut. Like the majority of other people, Birch had been raised to be a racist, so he'd never really paid attention to the attacks of the KKK. But he did now. He felt like something could've been done to prevent the death of Conroy Addams. God only knew how many other innocent Negro children were left without their parents because of the thoughtless and unnecessary hatred of the white supremecists.

 Just then, bright flash of lightning interrupted his thoughts, and after about ten seconds a distant clap of thunder followed. Birch buried his face into Lawrence's neck.

"Wh-what is it?" Lawrence asked, wiping away his tears.

"I'm afraid of thunder," Birch replied, his voice muffled. 

Lawrence was very surprised. He thought that whites, especially Birch, were fearless and strong, and never would have expected Birch to be afraid of thunder! How funny! But he didn't laugh. Everyone was afraid of something. 

"C'mon Birch, we need to find some kind of shelter," he said taking his hand. "My papa always told me that when thunder roars, go indoors." Birch nodded, and a sudden flash of lightning made him jump. He cringed as another clap of thunder roared, this time louder and closer. Lawrence pulled him close and wrapped his arm around his waist. "Where we goin'?" Birch asked breathlessly. 

"I dunno," Lawrence said. "Outta the woods, that's for sho'!"

They hurried out of the woods and into the town, with the storm becoming closer and the rain growing heavier. While running on the sidewalk, Lawrence fell behind. He tripped over a stick and fell onto his knees. Birch turned around. "Y'alright?" 

Lawrence winced as he stood up. "I-I think so.." Birch hurried to him and lifted his pant leg. Lawrence had skinned his knee. It wasn't severe, but it was bleeding heavily. As he watched blood seep out of the wound, Birch felt his stomach begin to churn and saw the world grain over. 

"Birch?" Lawrence said, noticing his face was ashen. "Birch, 'r you-" Before he could finish his sentence, Birch fainted. Thinking he was dead, Lawrence panicked. He dropped to his knees and shook him violently, shrieking his name, not caring if anyone heard. Thankfully the pouring rain pounded on his face,  Birch regained consciousness after a minute or two. Lawrence sighed with relief as his eyes opened. He looked like death, but he was awake.

"Wh-what happened?" he stuttered. "Did I pass out?" 

Lawrence nodded slowly. "Yeah. Gave me quite a scare there."

"Sorry 'bout that. I can't handle blood." Birch sat up slowly and grimaced. "Ah, my head."

"I think you may've banged it when you fell." Lawrence made kissy lips. "Want me to kiss it 'n make it feel better?" he teased.

Birch chortled. "Actually, I would enjoy that quite a bit," he replied. So Lawrence got behind Birch and pressed a friendly kiss onto the back of his head. Birch's head was wet from the rain, so hairs stuck to Lawrence's face. Grossed out at the unusual feeling, Lawrence twitchily wiped at his mouth. 

That struck Birch as hilarious. He laughed uncontrollably, and soon after, Lawrence joined in. That was until, a familiar voice stopped them. 

"Birch, what're you doin' here? And what're you doin' with this nigger?"

 They both froze. Horrified, Birch looked turned his head toward the source of the voice, and gasped.

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