Last Night (18+)

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Birch opened his sleep crusted eyes. His stomach was now settled, but as a result it was in a loose knot and his throat was killing him. He remembered what had happened last night and tried to sit up, but then he noticed Lawrence snuggled up beside him. He smiled and placed his arms around his lover. Lawrence had done so much to make sure Birch was okay. His care and affection for Birch was prominent.

Lawrence awoke as he felt Birch's embrace. "Good mornin', Birch," he whispered. "How're you feelin'?"

"Better," Birch replied, hugging him tighter. "Thanks for stayin' here with me." He released Lawrence from his embrace and went to wash his mouth.

"And I'm glad I could help you," Lawrence said.

They had tea and toast for breakfast, sharing wonderful stories and laughing the whole time. Birch played his violin for Lawrence, playing the most beautiful pieces he knew. Lawrence was usually in tears by the time he finished. They snuggled up close in Birch's bed, listening to the radio and sharing a kiss every once and a while. And all this time, they didn't have a care in the world. Their families, the KKK, the rape, and every other negativity had faded from the boys' minds.

Night fell. Birch knew his father was due home at any moment, which meant Lawrence was going to have to leave soon. They didn't want to leave each other's sides.

"Please don't make me go back to my mama's," Lawrence sobbed into Birch's shoulder. They were standing in Birch's room, and they were about to say their farewells.

"I don't wanna send you back there either, my love," Birch said, stroking his lover's back. He kissed his ear and rested his cheek against his hair. A single silver tear slid down his cheek, but he brushed it away before Lawrence could see. Why was it so hard to let him go? He knew he would see him again, maybe. But then he remembered that he was in serious danger for escaping the klan, and they probably had an army of twenty or more out looking for him. He held him closer.

As Birch tightened his embrace, the same thought was on Lawrence's mind. He knew he had done something both wrong and right, and he was in deep shit. He thought about being beaten to death by those horrendous men in white cloaks with pointy hoods, knowing that Birch would be met with the same fate if word got out that they were lovers.

They began to feel a strong, overwhelming desire for one another. They embraced each other tighter and tighter, but it wasn't enough to satisfy them. They stopped hugging, and Birch's brown eyes met Lawrence's blue ones. Birch didn't see fear and sadness in those eyes like he usually saw, but instead he saw a ferocious hunger.

Swiftly and powerfully, Lawrence slammed Birch against his bedroom wall, and pulled him down to his knees. He kissed him violently, driving his tongue into his mouth. He didn't care about being too young anymore. He felt powerful and strong, and his desire for Birch's body overcame everything else. He took off his shirt and kissed Birch again, then moved his mouth across his cheek and started playfully nibbling his ear. Birch started to remove his clothes, feeling Lawrence's dark brown skin with his fingertips. He breathed heavily, and when Lawrence stopped kissing him he picked him up into his arms and laid him onto his bed. They removed the rest of their clothing, becoming sexually aroused at the sight of each other's naked bodies. They climbed under the covers and kissed ferociously, touching and feeling each other all over. After their mouths separated, Birch gazed seductively at Lawrence for a brief moment, before disappearing under the covers. Lawrence knew what he was going to do and opened his legs, wanting it more than anything else.

Birch pressed kisses all the way down Lawrence's chest, down his abdomen, to his lower belly. He paused for a moment, teasing his lover, before finally placing his lips around Lawrence's erect, throbbing shaft. He applied pressure, sucking it like a sweaty boy sucking a popsicle on a hot day.

Lawrence's eyes rolled back into his head. He gasped and moaned orgasmically, crying out Birch's name as the sweet pleasure surged through him. He clutched the pillow tightly, convulsing, feeling as if he would fly up to heaven every second Birch suckled on him. After several minutes of sucking, he reached his climax with a high pitched moan of ecstasy, and he felt a warm gush of semen escape his body. Breathing heavily, he looked under the covers and saw Birch look up at him. There was a small dribble of semen down his chin, and he swallowed the love fluid in his mouth. He licked his lips. "Did you like that, Lawrence?" he whispered seductively.

Lawrence nodded slowly. He was so excited that he started to tremble.

"D'you want some more?" Birch asked.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "Please, gimme all you got!"

Birch gave him a sexy smirk. "Sure thing, my love." With that, he crawled up to his level and kissed his ear. "Are you ready?"

Lawrence nodded.

"Let's do this, then." With that, he deeply thrusted into Lawrence's body. The intensity made Lawrence gasp and Birch paused for a moment, but the hunger in Lawrence's eyes told him everything was going to be okay.

He continued to make love to Lawrence, kissing, licking and slobbering all over his neck. That's when the pleasure hit him. It felt so good he thought he was going to faint. He moaned in ecstasy.

As the amazing pleasure hit Birch, Lawrence couldn't tell how the lovemaking felt physically. The strong passion and love for Birch overtook everything else, and he enjoyed every second of hit. He smiled as he listened to Birch's love cries, which climbed a note with every insertion.

Birch gripped the sheets tightly and bit into his pillow. It felt strong. It felt passionate. It felt good. At last, he reached that wonderful heavenly high point, and as he squirted his love fluid into Lawrence he found himself involuntarily crying out, "Oh, god, Lawrence, I love you!"

Lawrence smiled. "I love you too, Birch!" he replied. Birch fell off of him and landed beside him on the bed. Their lovemaking had left them exhausted and breathing heavily, but they were as happy as could be. They looked at each other, and Birch took Lawrence's hand. As their fingers intertwined, their eyes connected stronger than ever before. They knew that they were meant to be. Nothing was ever going to pull them apart, not even the KKK, not even-

Just then, the front door opened. "Birch?" Mr Kelton called. "Are you home?"

The wonderful dopamine that had coursed through the boys' veins earlier was now replaced with sharp adrenaline, paralyzing them with fear.

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