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Birch looked around, twitching with rage, and saw that one of the klansmen had left his rifle behind. He swiftly picked it up and ran off into the wilderness.

The klansmen were walking home after their night of hard work. "God almighty," one said. "A fag and a nigger lover? Freakin' nasty. He'll go to hell for sure."

"Damn right," another replied. He stopped dead short, and swiftly patted around his cloak. "Ah, shit!" he exclaimed. "I lost my damned musket!"

Before the others could reply, they were startled by a loud, infuriated voice. "You killed the only person I ever loved!" They whipped around, and saw that the voice belonged to Birch. Before they could even react to seeing this presumed dead teen alive and walking, Birch unloaded the musket on them. Blood splattered everywhere as the Klansmen's bodies fell to the ground. One had been shot in the gut, and was just barely alive. Birch slowly approached him. "Please, don't shoot," the klansman begged breathlessly. With an expressionless robotic face, Birch raised the gun and shot him in the face. His head exploded, bits of skull and brain matter blowing about. With that, Birch continued on to his house.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Mary wailed to her father as they stepped through the front door of the house. "Birch is your son and my brother! And you just disowned him? Like that?"

"Shut up!" Mr Kelton screamed at her. "How could you still love your brother after all that?"

"But Pa, he didn't do nothin' wrong!" she cried. "He-"

"He didn't do nothin wrong? He did everythin' wrong!" Mr Kelton bellowed. "He committed a disgusting and unnatural sin, he loved a nigger, he never did as he was told..."

"Maybe that's because Birch was his own person!" Mary yelled.

"Well, that's a person who don't deserve to live," Mr Kelton replied softly.

Just then, Birch burst through the front door, rifle in hand. He was completely expressionless and breathing heavily, and covered in blood. Mr Kelton and Mary stared at him in disbelief. "What the hell?" Mr Kelton yelled. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"I loved you, Pa," Birch said in a monotone voice. "And you tried to kill me. You killed the only thing that I love. Now, it's your turn to die."

Without a second thought, Birch pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated his father's skull through his forehead, and a splatter of blood and brain matter sprayed onto the wall behind him. Mary saw what happened. A bloodcurdling scream escaped her lungs, just before Birch pulled the trigger on her, too.

Feeling nothing but hate for his family, Birch went to the family stable and climbed on Belle. He rode to the woods where Lawrence's body was located and threw it on top of the horse. He took it back to the house and dropped it onto the lawn. Then he brought Belle back to the stable and locked her in her stall. She sniffed at the stable floor, searching for any kibbles of grain or flakes of hay that might've fallen from her dinner trough. Birch gazed at her expressionlessly for a few moments, before he aimed the gun at the horse's forehead. He pulled the trigger, and the half-ton animal crashed to the ground in a spray of blood. Birch felt nothing as the horse bled out of the bullet hole in its forehead, and promptly set the gun against the stable wall before he left. He then picked up Lawrence's body. He had a great idea about what he was going to do with it, and immediately got to work.

Birch and Lawrence **OLD**Where stories live. Discover now