He couldn't move or breathe. His worst fear had been confirmed.

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Lawrence woke up at around the break of noon. His mother was out getting more liquor. He went to the bathroom to take a sponge bath, and after taking off his clothes he realized the sleeve of his shirt smelled like Birch's soap. A smile spread across his face, and he thought about Birch. His shiny blonde hair. His affectionate charm. The way he wrapped his arms around him when they kissed, and how his lips felt against his. He began to wonder what Birch would look like with his clothes off- okay too far! Lawrence turned red at the awkward sexual fantasy.

After he cleaned himself, he went outside and laid down on the grass. The sky was overcast, but Lawrence stared at it, daydreaming about Birch and feeling lighter than air. He loved that feeling, and he wanted to see Birch again as soon as possible so he could feel it. It wasn’t long before he felt himself drifting off to sleep, his eyelids twitching as he started dreaming.

"LAWRENCE!" cried Virginia Addams. She had backed her son into a corner in the bathroom. In one hand she held a moonshine jar, in the other she held a 12-inch machete. Lawrence trembled helplessly and watched her in horror. His mother had dealt with him for too long, and now she had reached her breaking point. She was going to end his pathetic life once and for all. 

Lawrence was drenched with sweat, whimpering in hysterical tongues as his mother raised the machete. "Good riddance," she snarled, bringing the blade down in a swoop. 

He cried out tearfully and squeezed his eyes shut. But after a few seconds, he didn't feel any pain. Cautiously, he opened them saw a white hand clamped around his mother's wrist.

"You'd better not lay a finger on that boy," a sweet, yet bold voice said. Lawrence's eyes brightened. "Birch!" 

It was really him. He scooped up Virginia and threw her out of sight, and she inexplicably disappeared. The only people left were Birch and his love. He took Lawrence by the waist and pulled him into a warm embrace. They kissed passionatley. Lawrence stroked Birch's cheeks and his soft blonde hair, and Birch playfully squeezed Lawrence's buttock. Lawrence closed his eyes, letting the wonderful love flow through him and becoming helpless to Birch's masculinity.  This was the most amazing thing that had ever-

"Aah!" A horrendous pain in Lawrence's side ripped him out of his dream and into reality. Gasping for breath, he opened his eyes and was presented with a horrible sight. Three klansmen, clad in their white cloaks with the pointed hoods, were circled around him! 

"Get up, nigger!" the klansman shouted. "We got a few questions to ask you." Lawrence was paralyzed with fear. He couldn't move of breathe. His worst fear had been confirmed.

The klansman kicked him in the same place in his side, and Lawrence cried out in pain. "I said get up!"  

That's when it began to sink in. Running on nothing but adrenaline, Lawrence screamed at the top of his lungs and scrambled to run away. But the uniformed men acted quick. They grabbed him, taking all three to get him under control, and started pulling him to their car.

Lawrence continued to wriggle and scream for help. He became desperate, screaming for his mother, for his father, for Birch, hoping that by the tiniest miracle, they would hear him and come to his aid.

"No!" Lawrence cried. "Let me go!" One of the klansmen gave him a hard whack with the butt of his musket. "Shut 'cher damn mouth, nigger!" he yelled, and Lawrence whimpered in fear. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he felt like he was going to vomit. As he was violently thrown into the back of an automobile, his mind's eye displayed memories of that horrendous, grim day that had occured ten years earlier. He tried to turn his mind from them, but they lingered and could not be ignored..

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