"You're special. Nobody can replace you."

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The pain from Mr Kelton's lecture hurt so bad that Birch couldn't cry. He did feel a horrendous weight in his stomach, but for some odd reason, no tears fell. After about ten minutes, however, the tears finally came. He climbed in his bed, pulled the quilt over his face, and wept very quietly. He didn't want his father to hear him being weak. 

After crying his tears, Birch got out of bed and stared into a mirror. He looked like a disaster. His hair was matted, his cheeks were wet, his nose was red and runny. He sniffed and looked at himself. 

Why me, he thought, and more tears streamed down his cheeks. Why am I a faggot? Why did I have to bring Pa down and destroy the family tradition?

Birch faltered from emotion and collapsed to the floor, where he sat silently for an unknown length of time, staring blankly at his wall and falling into a deep trance. With shakey legs, he stood up and walked to the window in his bedroom. After gazing through the glass for a few minutes, he opened it and stuck his head outside. The white sky nearly blinded him, so he closed his eyes and felt the warm spring breeze on his face. That breeze felt like the only thing that existed, and Birch deeply inhaled the warm air. That triggered his moment of realization. 

Birch, said a soft voice in his head. Do you know why you're a homosexual? Or why you're a musician and not a taxidermist? Because you're special. Nobody can replace you. Not only that, but you also have a beautiful blue-eyed Negro boy to love and protect. You can't let him down, can you?

"Of course not," Birch replied, butterflies forming in his stomach as he thought of his lover. A smile crossed his lips. 

Then get out there and be special. There's only one Birch Reginald Kelton on this planet, and you have to make him leave an impression. Now, tonight you got a very special date with Lawrence. He appreciates you, doesn't he?

Birch nodded, and this time joyful tears streamed down his cheeks.

Then embrace him. Because he will love you and except you no matter what. 

Birch opened his eyes, feeling warm and fuzzy. He smiled, and whispered one name under his breath.


Birch and Lawrence **OLD**Where stories live. Discover now