"Don't tell nobody! I swear, I'll do anything!"

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Birch gasped. "Emma?"

Emma Sherbourne stepped toward him, a confused expression on her face. "What's goin' on?"

Paranoid, the boys looked at each other. They were at a loss for words. The pattering of rain and a huge roar of thunder were the only sounds. The storm was really close now. 

But Birch was too panicked to notice. At last, Emma spoke up.

" 'r you some kinda nigger lover or somethin'?" she said accusingly. 

"No!" Birch stammered. "It's just that I-I-I just....." He sighed. "Just don't tell anybody." 

Emma paused, thought for a moment, and tightened her lips. "Hmm, I dunno," she said. "I'm pretty sure your pa wouldn't want you bein' friendly with niggers."

"No, no, no, no, please Emma! Don't tell nobody!" Birch pleaded. "I swear, I'll do anything! Just please don't tell nobody!"

Emma looked at him thoughtfully. "Anything?"

Birch nodded slowly. She smiled. "Alrighty then," she said. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind comin' with me." 

Birch glanced at Lawrence. "Wh-what're we gonna do 'bout him?" he asked. "We can't leave 'im here, he's in big trouble."

"Wouldn't surprise me a bit," Emma replied. 

"Birch, just go," Lawrence said. "I'll find shelter someplace."

"But-" Birch began.

"Don't worry about me. Just go." Lawrence said. He walked over and placed his hands on Birch's shoulders. "Do whatever it takes to make sure she don't tell nobody."

Birch nodded, seeing the seriousness in Lawrence's pale blue eyes. God, they were so beautiful. They both turned around and headed opposite directions. As he was following Emma up the sidewalk, Birch remembered something. Lawrence had already sacrificed his own safety to keep their love a secret. Now it was Birch's turn.

Birch and Lawrence **OLD**Where stories live. Discover now