"I'm not really comfortable with this."

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Emma started getting really, really excited. I can't believe it! she thought. Wait'll I tell all my friends I got Birch Kelton to go out with me! 

Birch on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. What's going to happen to Lawrence? I hope he makes it home safe. What's Emma gonna do to me? What if my pa finds out?

When they arrived at Emma's house, Birch was relieved to be out of the rain. "Hey, ma!" Emma called when they stepped inside. "Guess who I brought over!" 

Mrs Sherbourne came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. She smiled happily. "Why, hello there, Birch!" she greeted. Birch gave her a fake smile. "Uh, hey Mrs Sherbourne."

"Let me get you two some towels," Sherbourne said as she went back into the kitchen. "Ya'll look like drowned rats!"

Emma laughed and glanced up at Birch. After they dried off, Emma took him into her room. "Have a seat," she gestured toward the bed, and Birch did as he was told. If there was anything positive he could say about her, it was that her blue and purple bed quilt was pretty. She sat down beside him and got close. Too close.

"Uh, Emma?" Birch said. "I kinda need a little more room here." 

She didn't listen. "You're pretty cute, Birch," she said flirtatiously and put her arms around his shoulders. 

"I'm not really comfortable with this Emma," Birch said, and he wasn't lying.

Emma gave him a dirty look. "Do you want your pa hearin' 'bout how much you love niggers?"

"....No," he said softly

"Then do as I say!" She gazed at him hungrily for a few moments, then started unbuttoning her dress. Birch was helpless as she stripped naked. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her bare breast,  and a feeling of disgust surged through him. She then laid down on the bed and spread her legs. "Have sex with me!" she hissed. Birch's disgust increased. He almost felt as if he were going to vomit. "Emma," he whispered. "I'm still a virgin though..."

"I don't care!" she growled. "Have sex with me, now! Or else a gun barrel'l be the last thing your lil' nigger friend'll ever see!"

Birch knew he had no choice. Disgusted, ashamed, and humiliated, he took off his clothes and started fornicating with her.....



You may have mistaken this chapter to have been some sort of comic relief, but no, I'm being dead serious with this. When somebody demands unwanted sexual contact from someone else, it's rape. It doesn't matter if they're a male demanding it from a female, a female demanding it from a male, a male demanding it from another male, etc. There are too many male rape victims and too many female rapists who aren't being taken seriously. I just wanted to make that clear.


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