Flower King (Dazai x reader)

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Dis is fluff, I felt soft so I wrote it, and ya'll should give me some requests fr I'm out of ideas a bit of angst ngl. Juust a bit. A liiittle bit.

You and Dazai had decided to go for a small walk around Yokohama.

It was a nice day and Dazai had snatched you out of the ada without Kunikida's permission.  Which would be a little problematic later but for now none of you cared much.

All you needed was him, and all he needed was you.

He held your hand tightly as if he was afraid to let go, which you found adorable.

"Oh Dazai look at that!" You pointed at a flower bed. It was beautiful.

He smiled down at you. "Yeah it's beautiful, but you know what's more?"

With a small humm you look up at him. "What?"

"You mean who? Ah, and of course it's you silly~" he said chuckling at your blushing face.

"Sh-shush don't say that~!" You blush madly as he leads the way to the flower bed.

You sit down smiling at him as the sun was starting to set creating a beautiful  contrast between the flowers and the sky.

"Huh.. this is beautiful don't you think?" You asked dazai as you sat down and he played his head on your lap.

He nodded slowly in response as he started messing with a small string that was coming out of your pants.

You smiled down at him and started picking up some flowers, softly humming his suicide song to make him happy.

Dazai smiled to himself as he snuggled closer on your lap.

"Your voice is so soft and beautiful.."

"I-it's not.." you blush and look at the flowers you were picking up as you started making a small crown.

"It is~" he sang

All you did was chuckle at his silliness.

"You're so silly" you joked as he fake pouted.

"I'm not" he said faking a hurt tone.

"But you're mine so I don't mind."

"..." he hid his face on your lap as a small blush spread across his cheeks.

"Can you sit up love?" You said softly as you played with his hair.

Dazai did as you told him. "Sure, what is it dear?" He gave you that handsome smile of his.

You blush and reach out on his head, putting something on it.

He touched it gently to feel what it was. It was the flower  town you had made for him.

The flowers were beautiful and it really complimented his handsome features.

"Huh? A flower crown? Did you make it?" He smiled as you nod.

"But love, it would look better on you~" he said softly.

"Nah, I made this for you my dear." You smiled cupping his cheeks lovingly. "And you look so good.. so innocent.."

He pulled you closer with a sad smile. "... but you know I'm not.." he said quietly yet you still heard.

"No one is my love.."

"I have done awful things.. how are you still with me? Why do you love me..?" He looked down at you a sad expression ruining his handsome features.

You gasped a bit and quickly sat on his lap and hugged him tightly.

"You know.." you look up at him with the softest smile. "I know you're a changed man my love. I believe you have changed so much.. and I'm so proud of you.. you make me the happiest person alive. I chose you for who you are and who you wanna become later in the future."

He looked at you surprised as you cupped his cheeks.

"And I will support you no matter what. Until the end. No matter how bad or awful you decide to be. Or no matter how wrong your decisions are. Got it my flower King?"

There was silence for a little while.

"Flower king..?" He asked trying to change the topic as his eyes started tearing up.

You pulled him on your chest and lightly played with his soft hair.

"Yeah.. you're my king. You're the love of my life. Please never forget that okay dear?"

A faint sniffle was heard from your chest.

"I-I love you so much YN.." he said pulling you closer to him tightly. "A-and you're my flower queen.." he looked up at you with tears eyes. Yet they were tears of joy.

You smiled holding him close as the sun was setting on the both of you.

"Yeah... never leave me okay?" You packed his nose as he nodded.

"And you never leave me."

"Never my flower king. Never."

Ahhh this was so short but I hope you all liked it!!!

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