Chuuya smut? 0u0??

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WARNING: Slight master kink, foreplay, teasing, edging, breeding kink~ uwu

You were in the mafia, along with Chuuya and Dazai.

One of the executives there. You weren't the youngest, but at least you were one.

You walked alongside Chuuya as Dazai walked behind you two annoying the short stack of potatoes. 

You could only laugh and giggle at their snarky comments about each other.

"You two please stop..." you said and sighed, as they looked at you in surprise. You sounded upset.

"Did we upset you (Y/N)..?" Chuuya asked as Dazai nodded.


"(Y/N?)" Dazai asked as you looked for something in your bag.

"..." you hand something to chuuya. "Here..thought you might need this, to you carry your milk, so you get taller."

You said it with such a serious face Dazai burst into laughter and fell down not being able to get back up.

Your boyfriend chuuya on the other hand..

"(Y/N)!!! COME HERE!" He shouted and started chasing you around, but who are we kidding you were no match for him. He just swiped you off the ground with his ability.

You only laughed a bit before his frown and anger turned into a smirk.

Oh well you had truly fucked up..

"We're going home."

"B-but the meeting.. M-Mori-San..  will be angry-" he cut you off

"I didn't ask did I?"

Dazai was smirking a bit. "Oh chuuya dominant in bed? I thought (Y/N) was top" he laughed making chuuya angry.

"SHUT IT MERKEL!" After that he dragged you with his ability towards your shared room.

"L-love I'm sorry..? It was a joke I promise it wont happen again...h-hehe...?"

"I know it wont." He smirked making you blush and send shivers down your spine.

Once you two entered your apartment  and pinned you on the door straight up.

"C-chuuya.." he hadn't even done anything yet and here you were. Already a mess. (Ngl who wouldn't be-)

"What's wrong (Y/N)?~ I thought you didnt want me~"

"I-I.." your words were cut by chuuyas phone ringing.

"Fucking Merkel.. " he cussed under his breathe and answered. "WHAT NOW?"

"Mori San says you must come." Be says and hangs up immediately.

Chuuya sighs but then smirks. "I have an idea! The meeting will be so much fun!" He says looking devilishly at you.

** oo someone's in trouble- TIMESKIP*

You were looking at your feet while mori was talking some shit you didn't even py attention to, but then again, how could you with a vibrator inside of you?

Chuuya had a hand on his pocket holding the small remote as he just looked at Mori, his smirk never leaving the face.

Dazai seemed to notice tho. Out of all the mother fu kers in the room.

He would look at chuuya then back at you, and trust me.. he got it. He got everything that was happening for sure.

Mori looked at you and sighed.

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