Dazai x reader (sweet lips)

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Fluff. A Ranpo smut is coming and then a chuuya school au. SO IF U WANT MORE JUST REQUEST!

You sigh heavily watching Dazai flirt with the waitress at the ADA's cafe.

What did she have that you didn't? Well.. in your opinion you were much better then a waitress but you just kept your mouth shut.

You ordered your (favourite drink) and started dozing off, until you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N!" Dazai says smiling brightly and you try hiding your blush.

"Oh Dazai.. you got me off guard.." you say and look away again. "What is it?"

He chuckles "well, can you do me a favour?" He says.

"You need to tell me. I ain't agreeing to anything before I hear what you have to say."

"Can you give me some money to take that waitress on a date-"

"I'm not a wallet Dazai." You say looking him dead in the eye. "I will never be." You stand up and leave the cafe with Dazai smirking behind you.

Your heart broke a bit when you heard Dazai was taking her on a date. You really liked him. Since you two were in the mafia. You were VERY close friends but now he had distanced himself a bit from you, and flirted a lot with other women.

That means he never really saw you that way huh?

You sat down and watched Kunikida work.

"Dont you have work to do?" You hear his voice interrupt your thoughts.

"Oh..I finished a few hours ago.. I'm just waiting here if anyone needs my help.." you say as he nods and kept working.

But who said you were letting him work peacefully? not when his  hair looked so soft.

"What are you doing!?" He says jumping off his chair when he feels your hands on his hair.

You jump a bit surprised. "You scared me Kunikidaa!" You whined and sat him down again. "I promise when I'm done I'll put it the way it was!"

"D-dont disturb me!"

"I wont I wont, now go back to work kunikida-kun!" You say and start braiding his hair.

But little did you know Dazai was standing at the door way and looking at you with those deadly mafia eyes. Both you an Kunikida. How dare Kunikida steal the one he loves and cares about more then himself?

*smal timeskip brought by me this time-*

You were walking home when you hear Dazai's voice calling your name.

You turn around to see Dazai but you didnt stop. You kept walking. He had better things to do with that waitress anyway.

But you couldnt run from him, you would end up seeing him either way. You two lived in the same house. Since he had taken you with him from the mafia, he was too scared to leave you live in a separate apartment. Maybe the mafia could find you? He was too afraid to lose you.

"Y/N." You hear his firm voice from behind you and you shiver.

"Hey Dazai." You say still not stopping or looking at him.

"God, what's up with you? Why didnt you stop?"

"I'm not landing you any money for your date." You say and hear him laugh.

"Oh no I was just playing around I didnt need any money!"

"Because the waitress payed?" You ask looking at him confused, earning another laugh.

"Y/N I'm not that broke!"

"I pay for the bills, rent and food... of course you are. You spend your money on sake and cigarettes. Plus you have that tab on the cafe you haven't payed yet. And it's a shit ton of money."

"I- ...good point.." he says as you roll your eyes.

You keep walking silently.

"But I bet Kunikida would be able to help you pay the rent and all that. He is a good organised partner huh?"


"When are you two making it official?"


He looks at you smiling happily. So fake you thought.

You stop walking all of a sudden catching Dazai off guard as he also stopped and looked at you. "Osamu are you jealous?"

If you could have only taken a pic of his face at that very moment.

"N-no, silly why would I b-be.. how? How did you.. no one reads me.."

"Do you keep forgetting we know each other since 15, and you were so obvious when you said those things a few minutes ago.."

"True.." he looked down blushing a bit.

"But why do you care in the first place, you got that stupid waitress anyways. You cant have both." You roll your eyes. "The world doesn't roll around you. You cant always have your way." You spat and start walking again but Dazai caught your wrist.

"Its my turn to ask if you're jealous." He chuckles and you look away.

"I just always had feelings for you and it was so obvious osamu.." you say. "And you kept flirting with other women, I just thought I'd see myself out. Now let me go." You pull your hand away but instead you get pulled into a tight hug.

"I just wanted to make you jealous. I didnt know it'd hurt you so much.." he says and kisses your forehead. "I thought you knew I liked you for the longest time.. why do you think I took you with me? I've always been in love with you, and I never wanted to lose you.. you're so precious to me.." he says stroking your hair gently making you blush madly.

"You're such a child.." you say and look away all red in the face.

"Does that mean it is official now?"

"What's official?"

"That we're dating!" He says and you chuckle.

"Yes silly. If you want it to be.."

"It is! And now Kunikida cannot touch what's mine! Mine mine mine!" He says hugging you tightly and then he kisses you on the lips catching you off guard.. so silly.

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