Dazai x subordinate reader (part 2)

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You two had left the Mafia, and it had been a while since you did so.

Dazai told you everything that made him leave, including Oda, and that upset you.

You cupped his cheeks and smiled gently a d reassuringly.

"I promise to never leave you, okay?"

He smiled a bit, his eyes puffy and red.

"Please never do.." he said holding you close and cuddling you.

*timeskip brought by cuddly Dazai!*

You were laying on the couch along with Dazai, watching a movie. You two just came home from the agency.

You hummed softly and Dazai knew you were about to ask him something.

"What is it my precious?" He asked playing with your hair.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" You said still looking at the TV.

Dazai blinked a few times and then laughed.

"Of course I would! I would even protect you so nothing would happen to you! Because you'd be so delicate and fragile!"

You look at him and smile.

"Not that you're not. And that I won't keep protecting you of course!" He says and brings you into a tight hug.

You chuckle and cuddle him.

"What if I had no skin..."

Dazai blinked a few times and looked at you.

"That would be painful.." he said

"Why so?"

"Because you wouldn't be able to touch salt, or lemon.. that would burn like hell.."

You laugh at his comment.

"So is that a no?"

"Did that come out of my mouth??" He said and looked at you pouting.


"So that's a yes. I would still date you!" He said snuggling his face on your neck making you giggle lightly.

"But you know, I'd love you endlessly even if we never met.." he said and looked at you smiling sadly.

It broke your heart to see that, so you hugged him tightly, as close as possible and started running your hands through his hair softly.

"And I'd be madly in love with you, evening you never loved me back in the first place.. I always have been osamu.." you put his hair back and kiss his forehead making him smile.

"I have always loved you tho.." he pouted childishly and you laughed a bit.

"Glad to hear we always felt the same~" you teased him.

*fast forward*

You had been shot on the stomach, and you were bleeding like there was no tomorrow.

You looked at Dazai who looked hurt and scared and he was panicking and it broke you..

You put a hand on his face and smiled gently.

"(Y/N) please dont leave me.. I love you.. dont leave me please.." he was whispering and crying.

"Y-you know.." you say weakly while smiling at him. "I bet oda is proud of you.."

His breath hitched and more tears started streaming down his face as he hugged you tightly.

"N-no.. please..please.." he kept repeating, his heart shattering in his chest slowly.

"I love you.." you say before everything fades to black.


You open your eyes to find yourself blinded by the bright light.

"U-ugh!" You close your eyes again trying to get used to the brightness.

Then you remembered what had happened.

It was then you sat up immediately to see where you were and-

You were in Yasano's office, dazai sleeping next to you.

Dried tears on his cheeks, his eyes red, his hair messy..

It hurt you.. one.. because you were the reason he ended up like this and two.. because your jelly bean was hurt..

You put a hand on his hair and slowly and softly play with them.

You see him relax a bit, and that makes you smile.

Imagine if he lost you.. he'd blame it all on himself.

Yasano entered the room and looked at you.

"9h you're awake!" She said. "You might wanna wake him up, he has been so stressed these last few hours, and he has secretly been crying but we all know he has been." She said and took something from her desk. "I'll be back okay? Dont move."

You look at Dazai.

"Babe.." you whisper and shake him softly.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at you.


He blinked a few times.

"WAIT (Y/N)?!" He shot up and hugged you tightly. "A-are we in heaven?? Love?? Wait.. I cant be in heaven.. I'm a-"

"You're the love of my life. " you say hugging him tightly. "And no, we're still alive."

His grip on you tighten.

"I thought I lost you.. I-I got so scared.. I was blaming it all on myself..(alredy) I'm so sorry I let you yet shot-"

You shut him up with a kiss.

"You tried my love. It was not your fault. I'm okay now.. please dont cry.."

"I wont.. if you promise to never leave my side again.. I will keep you safe okay?"

"Alright, I promise." You say smiling gently at him and placing a few kisses on his face, to make him feel better.

He was all you needed.

If y'all have any requests just SEND! love you uwu

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