Chuuya x Reader (when drunk)

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No warning. Just enjoy. UwU.

"No." You cut the bartender short over the phine call. "I won't pick him up."

Yes. Chuuya was completly wasted, and the bartender had to take his phone and call someone from his contacts. Which was you.

"Miss, please he is causing a lot of trouble and if we kick him out he would probably get lost or something might happen to him."

You sigh heavily and get out of bed. Why didn't they just kick him out of the bar? Like something would happen to him eitherway.

"Alright, I'll be there." You hung up but then...for a split second you considered tirning your phone off and going to bed again-

Nah. Sadly you loved him too much to do that. Too bad he didn't- well that's what you thought at least.

"This one night I come from work early, this night I decide to get proper sleep.." you groaned getting ready to go pick him up.

Finally as you got there you see the bartender waiting with Chuuya outside.

"Hey, thanks for taking care for me." You bow a bit at the bartender and grab chuuyas writs only for him to drop on you.

"(Y-Y/N)~ come get a *hiccup* drink with me~ I'll pay~ *hiccup*"

"No chuuya, you already drank enough asshole." You cuss him but then you heard it. A sob. Coming from chuuya.

Oh no..

"I-I had feelings for me.. *sob* I thought we love e-each other.. b-but you're just being rude.. I-I love you and you tun me d-down like this..?" He says drunkily as he sobs and hiccups. He's a mess.

You blush a he'd always known you liked gim? should you take him seriously? He is drunk tho...

You sighs a bit and then try to get up from the ground.

"I-I'm sorry..Ididn't mean to upset you." You roll your eyes. "Please get up now!"

Chuuya kept crying and you gave up and fell back down laying there.

"W-wont you tell me that you love me back??" He cried.

Oh god you wanted to kill yourself at that very moment. A double suicide with dazai didn't sound that bad.

He wouldn't remember anything in the morning either way.

"I love you back. Happy?"

He stopped crying and smiled at you, inches away from your face, he smelled like alcohol, it made you wanna throw up.

"P-please move a bit so I can carry you now..we are basically still laying on the ground infront of a bar.."

He didn't answer just placed his lips against yours drunkily yet lovingly.

The taste of alcohol was strong but for 0.5 seconds you didnt mind and instead kissed back a bit.

He was drunk, the kiss was sloppy. You pushed him away.

"N-Now get up- ..." he had fallen asleep.

You groan loudly and drag him to the car. He was short but boy he was heavy. Probably his six pack- ok I'll stop.

You get him in the back seat and start driving peacefully back at his house, because you didn't want him throwing up over at yours in the morning.

Soon, you parked the car out of his house and helped him out- which was a pain in the ass.

You ended up dragging him inside his own house.

"Phew..finally for fucks sake chuuya.." you look at the time. "Oh god no..there goes my 'sleeping early today'...tch." you hit chuuya lightly in the head as he had passed out on the floor.

"I guess I have to deal with your ass now huh..." you sigh and helps him dress, then helped him in bed.

Since you were too lazy to go home you just put on one of his shirts and layed on the couch sighing and falling asleep wth the TV on.

In the morning you were woken up by a loud groan and some unpleasent sounds coming from the bathroom... oh yeah.. it sounded like karma. You smile softly and get ul walking over to chuuya.

"Are you okay?" You ask as he flinched and looked at you surprised.

"Huh? (Y/N)? Why are you here- ..." then he noticed it. You were in one of his shirts...but thats all. Only in one of his shirt. No pants.

His face was bright red as he kept starring.

"Tch. Don't stare dumbass... I picked you up from the club last night and since it was pretty late I stayed over... plus.. I thought you'd need some help in the morning." You say blushing a bit at the flashback of him kissing you.

Bending down you hold his hair back as he throws up again.

".. y-you didn't have go do this.." he said getting up after a bit.

You smirk. "Of course I did, you confessed to me after all, and we did share a kiss and everything. Why would I leave you deal with this alone? You already got me involved." 

You saw his face change 50 shades of red as he looked at you in disbelief.

"Y-youre joking..."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" You had a smug face on as he looked away.

"D-did least..return my feelings..?"

You laugh at him and peck his lips. "But of course I did, you knew I liked you all along didn't you~?"

".. did I say that..?"

"You did."

" ..I'll nevet get drunk again."

"Yeah, you better not, your lips taste like throw up and alcohol." You laugh as he rolls his eyes.

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