(FLUFF) ADA Dazai x ADA reader

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FLUFF! NO ANGST! ALSO every other request will be posted, no worries i got them all written, now I omly have to publish them.

Working at the agency was great, you had friends and you could even call them family! They were all great and amazing!

You loved them all, especially Dazai.  He just made your heart flutter everytime you saw him. He made you happy.

But you never had any Hope's for the suicidal maniac, since all you'd do was break and stop his suicide attempts.

And he was very disappointed at that.

Your reason for stopping his suicide attempts?? Well easy of course.

How would you be able to see his smiling, adorable and handsome face if he died?

How would you be able to feel his hugs and kisses in the morning? All those cuddles. All those silly jokes and pick up lines he used on you. All those fun times and stupid sleepovers you two had.

You'd miss all that but you would especially miss him.

You let out a heavy sigh as your eyes wandered outside the window of the agency, you were totally distracted.

"Ahem~ earth to Y/N chan~" you heard Dazai's voice bring you back from your thoughts.

"Uh-uh..  Oh Dazai san.." you say looking at him and smile gently. "Please tell me you weren't trying a new suicide technique.." you say and frown a bit when you see that he started sweating.

"Um.. no?"

"Dazai that sounded like a question." You say and bonk his head, making him whine.

He sat down next to you and sighed dramatically. 

"Y/N...I have a question.." he said making you look back at him.

"What is it Dazai?" You say as you kept looking at your computer and working.

"Why is it that you wanna stop my suicide attempts but never wanna join in a double suicide?"

You stop working, save your work and then shut the computer down. "Dazai." You say and turn to face him looking serious.

"My life isnt as easy as everyone sees it, as everyone thinks. It's much more then just going to work and pretending to be happy. But that doesn't mean I want to end it be cause something awful happened to me or because I'm broken." Hou say looking at him. "Not everyone does that, tho.. I understand if that's what you want to do.." you look down a bit upset.

"Y/N.." he says looking serious too.

"Dazai theres so much more I want to know about you, and you're so deep and so mysterious but I can't love you and learn your past if you're dead!" You say looking at him, your eyes a bit teary.

He was shocked by your words. Those words truly meant something to the both of you.

He grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into a tight hug, not letting go.

"D-Dazai..?" You say a bit taken back.

"You mean so much to me Y/N... so much already.. its surprising how everyone lost my trust and it's hard to give it to someone but you are different you've always been different. You just.. went and won my trust over a night Y/N. Over a damn night." He says sounding dead serious, which no one expected to see him serious.

You sobbed against his shirt a bit and hugged him tightly.

"I love you." He says firmly making you look up at him in both shock and surprise.

"Y-you do..?"


"... I love you too Osamu.." you smile a bit and he smiles back.

"Aww your smile is adorable!" He says and starts to attack your face with kisses making you yelp in surprise.


"Call me Osamu.. it made me feel some kind of way-" you hit him on the head blushing madly.

"Shut up Osamu!" You look away completely red as he laughs.

"Hey.. " he says still smiling, happy that the one he loved returned his feelings. He could finally protect you and keep you close.

"Yes?" You say softly.

"I'll stop the suicide just for you okay?" He says and you give him a tight hug.

"You better! Or I'll be really upset and lonely if you leave.." you get a bit sad but he is quick to wipe that frown away with quick butterfly kisses all over your face.

"I will never then! I would never want you upset!" Dazai smiles, making your heart skip a beat. You could call this a genuine smile.

I cri. Leave more requests. Reminder that all the requests are written and published.

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