Chuuua x ADA reader

978 23 4

REQUESTED BY: TaylorGriffith879

You played with Dazai's hair as he sighed softly trying to fall asleep.

"BANDAGE WASTING MACHINE!" A familiar voice shouts making both of you jump.

You look at a very pissed Kunikida.. 

"Y/N! YOU TOO?? I KNEW DAZAI WAS A BAD INFLUENCE!" he groans and sighs.

"Umm.. I finished mine and Dazai's we are taking a break.." you say blinking a few times.

"How- dazai's work too?" Kunikida asked then he got an idea. "Okay then. I have a mission for you two."

Dazai groaned loudly. "Nuuu"

"Dazai shut up you didn't even do your work, I did it for you since I was bored." You say making him shut up.

Kunikida shook his head and gave you two a paper. "It's about the port mafia. Could you sneak in or at least find out what they're planning on doing next. They're really suspicious lately.."

"Okay.. we'll see what we can do." You say and drag Dazai out.

"But I never agreed Y/N!" He whined and you just kept walking.

"Dazai, you were a former member of the mafia, please help me!" You give him puppy eyes that made his heart skip a beat.

"Fiiinee..jesus Y/N.. I'll squish you if you keep giving me those eyes!" He says and walks before you ti show you the way.

You happily follow him behind.

Not long after you two arrived at the port mafia base.

"Now be careful not to get spotted okay? Since it might be very easy for us to get caught and probable executed, and I dont wanna die by their hands even tho it's a great way to die-"

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Someone taps their foot on the ground making both you and Dazai look at the direction of the noise.

"..What are you doing here chibi?" Dazai said to the shorter male behind him.

'What- i- no what are YOU doing here you dumbfuck!" He screams and you sigh getting in between them to stop an upcoming fight.

"Hey hey.. calm down the both of you. We were just gonna get some ice cream but we missed a turn and ended up here. We just wanted to ask somebody for some road instructions." You say calmly as Dazai nodded.

Chuuya groaned and kicked Dazai right on the stomach,  making him fly back a few feet right into the wall.

"Holy shit!" You say looking shocked. This man could probably rail you with no problem-

You look at the man Dazai just called chibi.

"Wanna like.. go..for a drink or something?" You ask as he looks at you confused.

"Are you trying to get out of this situation? Because it's totally working.. only if you pay." He says and it makes you laugh a bit.

"Sure as long as I don't get kicked like that. But dont drink too much!" You say pointing a finger at him. "I dont have much money with me at the moment!"

*timeskip brought by 🌟M E🌟*

Chuuya was totally wasted and completely put.

He was either trying to pick fights with walls or flirting with tables.

You sigh and went to pay. You wouldnt have taken him out if you knew the consequences.

Suddenly you feel a gloved hand over yours.

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