Fyodor (Love?)

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Yeah Fyodor needs some love as well ùwú

You sighed heavily as you starred blankly at Fyodor, who was calmly playing his cello.

What if you suddenly confessed?

Did he know what love even was?

How big was his d-

"(Y/N)?" He insterupted your thoughts, and you looked up instantly, blushing madly.

"Y-yes?" Damn it you stuttered!

"Is something the matter?" He asked looking at you worried.

"Yeah, don't worry, I was just lost in thought, sorry."

He shook his head and gave you a small smile "don't worry about it, you can continue."

"No, I'd prefer listening to you play." You smile a bit as he returned it.

-Time skip brought to you by ✨ME✨-

Fyodor's POV:

I sighed a bit as Nikolai approached me with a grin on his face.

"DOS-KUN!" He shouted.

"You don't have to shout."

"Doesn't matter, HEAR ME OUT!"

I sighed again and nodded my head a bit.

"You like (y/n)." He grinned and looked at my probably shocked face.

"I do?" I asked as he laughed



"You haven't noticed you like her..?" He asked blinking as I shook my head.

"Never experienced such feelings or thoughts before. What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Well you talk about her all the time.. when you're not making plans, and I bet even then you're thinking of her hehe- anyway! You also worry a lot when it comes to her. And I have seen your jealous behaviour when she's around Dazai, dont think I let it slip!"

"Its because I despise Dazai. And I worry because she's a part of the organisation now. Just like i worry about you all."

"No you don't, you'd gladly let me die!" Nikolai laughed. "But then stop talking about her the entire time!"

"But she is an interesting person."

"Dos-kun.." he said looking at me seriously.


"You're so stupid oh my God.. "

(And I took that personally-)

I frown. "What?"

"You like her Dos-kun! Don't be impossible to deal with!"

"I have never experienced such thing before, so even if I did, I wouldn't know-"

"Would you like it if she kissed you?"

I felt my heart skip a beat, and I felt some kind of unknown feeling in my chest. Warm..

"Perhaps I wouldn't mind."

"You like her.."

"I do?"

"Dos-kun, I seriously thought I was a pushover, but you proved me wrong.."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I frown as he laughed.

"You have to tell her, I bet she liked you back!"

"Wgat if she doesn't?"

"Oh trust me.. she does.." he hides your diary behind his back.

"Do you know for sure?"

"Bet she even wants to know your size- *AHEM* hehe.." he looks away as I sigh.

"I don't know. I'll think about it." I say going back to work.

-Another timeskip brought by NIKOLAI-

Author's POV:

You were searching your room all over for that one missing peace.. your fucking diary..

"O-oh no, I hope Fyodor doesn't have it, I'll be doomed, he'll know I have a crush on him, he'll hate me or be disgusted and- oh here it is." You laughed at yourself as Nikolai sighed a bit.

'She almost caught me' he thought and ran away.

You heard a knock on your door, and you quickly hid the notebook.

"Come in.." you say as Fyodor pushed the door open carefully.

"Sis I wake you?"

"No don't worry, i tend to sleep late eitherway" you smile a bit

"That's not good for you.."

Your heart melted, he was such a sweetheart- sometimes..

"Ah, I know, but I'll try changing my sleeping schedule."

He nods and walks closer to you, as you step back a bit.


You're up against the wall now sweetheart!

"Don't move.." he says as he gently presses his lips against yours.

You're SHOCKED , never expected Fyodor to do something like that. YET HE DID.

He pulled away really soon.

"Did you like it?" He asked as your face was heated.

What were you supposed to say? YES DADDY? 😏- *gets slapped* ow..

You slowly nod, still not fully processing what had happened.

"Nikolai says I like you.." he broke the silence as you look back at him.

"N-Nikolai says that...?"

He nods "yes."

"But..do you like me..?"

"I suppose I do."

You want to scream but all you do is smile warmly.

"I-I like you too F-Fyodor.."

He felt his heart skip a beat, tho he didnt know what that meant.

"I feel..happy." he said smiling a bit as you cup his cheeks.

"Kiss me again..please.."

And that's how you two woke up naked in the morning, cuddling each other.

Ok what the fuck did I write? I'm sorry if u didnt like it T^T


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