Tachohara x reader (school au)

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Just a bit of angst.. This is fluff too

Tachihara was a really close friend of yours. You'd always hang out in school and after school. You had many sleepovers in the past and you two would get along really well.

Probably because you knew how to handle his arrogant ass.

"Michizo!" You shout at him from your classrooms window. Yes, you were angry.

This bitch couldn't stop getting in pointless fights.

He was basically with chuuya (on chuuyas side) as the short male was about to fight Dazai, who had Atsushi hiding behind him.

Tachihara looked at you along with the 3 other males. You were angry. It wasn't the first or last time you had told him not to fight and he had promised.

You got off the window and he knew.. you were coming from him. Everyone knew he was screwed.

Chuuya took a few steps away from Tachihara as you approached angrily.

"What did I tell you?" You cross your arms angrily glaring at him.

He scratched the back of his neck not looking at you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking everywhere but at you.

"Well obviously trying to stop you from fighting, what else do you think?"

He sighed heavily and tried not to look annoyed as Dazai chuckles teasing the poor male.

You glared at Dazai making him stop.

"Do you want me to break your spine fuck boy?" You spat at the taller bandaged man as he looked away earning a laugh from chuuya.

"Dont get in any fights please.. especially if it has nothing to do with you.." you said reaching for his hand but he pulled it away, making you look at him in shock and worry.

"Just this one last time I promise-"

"No! Michizo, Chuuya and Dazai go through the same shit every day, they're gonna fight if not today then tomorrow!" You pout. "Plus you promised me last time you wouldnt get into a fight!"

"...fine.." he said looking away, his cheeks a light shade of pink.

You smile and put your hand put so he'd take it, and he did.

You help hands as you pulled him away from the scene.

He was used to you either breaking the fights or breaking someone's nose because they hurt Michizo, so this was nothing new.

Everyone was used (probably scared of you when you approached too-) to you pulling Tachihara away from fights and he wasn't embarrassed about it.

But he did blush furiously when you held his hand like you were doing now.

"Damn it.. I could have won the fight.." he said.

"Or a teacher would have sent you to the office again.

"Or that." He shrugged.

"You better not get your nose broken again, alright?" You say looking at him as he sighed.

"If it happens it happens Y/N, jesus.. dont make such a big deal out of it." He said casually.

It wasn't the first time (or the last one) that he had broken his nose into fights like that.

"But I wont be able to kiss it because it'll hurt.." you puff your cheeks out making him blush madly.

"w-whatevr.." he looked away, you two still holding hands. "I'll wait for you outside your classroom when school is over, okay?" He says as he sees his classroom close.

"Alright!" You say smiling and pulling him into a hug.

Now, everyone knew the feelings you had for each other, it was fucking obvious okay? So the students in the hallway whistled and cheered for you two.

"Kiss already!" Was something you'd often hear in the hallway.

It was like a romance anime for them. One of those annoying ones where they barely confess to each other even if its fucking obvious for the both of you.

You blushed madly everytime at the comments and Tachihara couldn't help it either.

*time skip brought by Tachiharas cocky and arrogant personality!

Tachihara: what-


You had an after class activity, which was (idk u chose bby), and Tachihara was waiting for you by your classrooms door in the hallway.

He was fidgeting back and forth, trying to calm down. He was gonna confess today! He would do it!

It had been months since he wanted to do so, and Chuuya had pushed him to do it now!

You got out of class and gave him a loving smile.

"Thanks for waiting for me Michizo!" You say and holds his hand. He tenses up and blushes madly.

"W-whatever.." he says and looks away.

You chuckle at his embarrassment, and you two walk home.

As you were approaching your house he stopped in his tracks and looked at you.

"Something the matter?" You say worried.

"W-well..I had to ask you something uh.." he looks away.

You nod. "Alright, go on.."

"Well..uh...I..  " he stutters and looks away blushing, hoping you wont see.

"You're red, are you oka-"

"I like you! I like you a lot, more then a friend!!" He cuts you off and shouts.

You look shocked and taken back.

"Michizo.. I... know.." you say and he looks at you.

You look as if you're about to reject him.

"So you finally decided to make this official. Finally." You say laughing a bit and getting redder on the face.


"I thought you knew I loved you back silly.."

"I didnt...um..I mean..I did..I just wanted to see your reaction a-and- .. no I didnt.. I didnt know..  he said and you laughed, pulling him closer, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too silly..." you smiled, looking at him.

"..what are you starring a-at?" He blushed and looked away, wanting to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him.

"Can I kiss you?" You ask

"How is that even a question? We're dating now, of course you can. T-tch!" He was so shy it was adorable.

You pulled him into a loving kiss and he kissed back lovingly.

God you loved this man.

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