⁰², the scent of magic

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞'𝐬

chapter two; the scent of magic

"Are you ready, m'lady?"

"Are you ready, m'lady?"

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Jane Mary Black

I PUSH MY TRUNK ON THE RACK AND THEN TURN BACK AROUND. A sigh leaves my lips as I let myself slide into one of the green seats. "Why the long face?" Elijah. "Oh, I was just thinking how this is our last year," I tell him. He gives me a look. "Yeah, well, I'm excited to graduate." I scoff as he says it. "You are excited to leave us?" I wave between Cooper and me. "Who says I'm leaving you guys?" "Your dream job in America," I answer as Cooper gives me a glance. "That's still months away, Jane, maybe even years." I shrug my shoulders and then sit up straight. "Still, you'll be leaving us in the end–" "Hello, lady and boys!"

All three of us turn our heads towards the blonde girl that just entered the space. I chuckle. "Good morning to you too, Eden." Elijah. "We're not boys anymore," Cooper announces, Eden and I share looks. "You're girls?" "No! You know what I meant." We start laughing as Eden takes her seat next to me. She huffs as she sits down. "What's the matter?" "Can't believe this is our last year.." She looks at me and then Elijah sighs. "What's your problem?" Eden asks the brunette. "Nothing." "He's a little prickly today," I say. "Shut up." "Love you too." I blow him a kiss before turning to look at all the people standing outside. "Can this train move already?" I huff. "I mean we could get it started.." Eden proposes. I give her a grin but the boys start yelling. "We're not doing that again!" "Remember how we got three months detention for that!?" I start laughing. "It was just a joke." Eden calms them down. 

About ten minutes later it slowly starts rolling when sounds punch into the space we are sitting in. It doesn't take long to recognize the voices. I come up straight from the comfortable position I was in and throw open the doors with Eden on my heels. I look left, find nothing and then right and there they are. We walk forward and the next moment we're at the end of the thin walkway where Bluebell and Ella are, what seems like, having an argument. 

"Hey, Blue, we were just about to come looking for you!" I break their conversation. The brunette girl turns her head towards me with a smile while the blonde can only stare in annoyance. I then turn to Ella. "Good to see you, Windsor." COMPLETE LIE! I don't actually like her, nor her twin brother, gosh I don't even know what Eden see's in her brother. I mean he's hot but his personality is ugly, just like most fuckboys at the school. Boys like him make me lose fate in the male species, which is a shame honestly... "I'm sorry, we were in the middle of a discussion." Eden scoffs and that earns her a look from the other blonde. Ella's arms are crossed as she glances at us. "Oh, blimey, I'm really sorry Ella. Next time I'll be more careful before interrupting you." I stare at her for a few seconds before look back at Bluebell. "Anyway, Blue, are you sitting with us or–" "Yes, I am! It was nice seeing you again Ella, we'll catch up later!" Bluebell continues to turn around and I do the same but when I notice Eden isn't moving I stop. "You coming?" She glances at me blank before nodding her head and then walking towards me. "Were you daydreaming?" I ask laughingly as we walk back to our part of the train. She chuckles, "No, that's your hobby." I put up a facial expression that shows her she's right. 

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