⁰⁴, pretty boy

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞'𝐬

chapter four; pretty boy

"Get your fucking hands off of me!"

"Get your fucking hands off of me!"

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Jane Mary Black

THE SAME EIGHT SONGS HAVE BEEN PLAYING OVER AND OVER ALL DAY. My headphones are attached to a small cassette laying on the stones behind me. I could better say half a day since it's only close to noon, I've been walking around with it all morning. I'm sitting against a small stone wall in one of the courtyards, quietly singing along with the song. It's quiet because no one ever comes here. I'm having a study session under the warm sun, I was supposed to be studying with Bluebell but she said she was going to do it, asks Evie out. I encouraged her, of course, I don't mind being alone for a couple of hours. It's actually quite nice. If I'm being honest I can't be around people all day around, I need my time alone, my space. 

I whip my head around when the music suddenly stops, I'm looking at the tall brunette boy that is now holding my headphones and cassette and irrupted my peace and quiet time. "Give it back," I hiss, lunging for my stuff. He raises them above his head so I can't reach them making me feel annoyed. I'm tall, but he's taller. "Please, take a deep dive into the black lake." "Oh, yeah," He rolls his eyes, "I'll get right on that." 

"Give me–" "I'm Harrison," He says coming in front of me and walking backwards. He pockets my cassette and headphones and sticks out a hand. I push it away, "I know who you are, and I don't care." He clicks his tongue, "Such hostility." I start walking faster, he has to half jog to keep me from running him down. I'm surprised he hasn't fallen by now, considering he is jogging backwards and is completely unaware of his surroundings, also we're nearing a hill. "I think it's deserved," I tell him. "and why is that?" "I think you know why, Harrison. Or don't you remember last year?" Then I grab onto my cassette and swing it and the headphones back in my hands completely ignoring the douchebag before I start walking back to my stuff. Fortunately, he doesn't follow me so I grab my stuff in peace and then make my way out of the courtyard. There goes my quiet and peace.  

While strolling through the castle corridors I see a familiar face. Bluebell. "Hey!" I say as I take off my headphones. She gives me a small wave and then I see her facial expression. "Oh, no..did it not go well?" I ask her as other people move past us. Her facial expression quirks up and she starts grinning, "She said yes, of course, she did, I mean look at me." She waves at herself. I give her a soft push against the shoulder, "I hate when you do that." "You do it too." Then we both chuckle a bit. "So, I want to know the details, tell me." "All right, let's go to the Great Hall though, I'm hungry." I nod, "Great idea." We continue our conversation as we walk the corridors. 

"I can't get over the fact that they have their own bathroom, have you seen the size of it?" Bluebell says as we enter the Great hall. "Yeah, it's unbelievable, I don't even know how they got the spots, all we've been doing for the last couple of years is pull pranks." She gives me a look, "Well, they have also been working hard for their future." I glance at her before looking away, she's right, I don't even know what I'm working towards. Seems like all my friends know what they want in life. While my head is stuck in the past. My eyes land on Teddy and his two best friends. They are laughing and they look quite happy. Teddy wants to play for an official team and really hope he gets to, he's a great keeper and loves the game with everything he has. I have thought many times about what is out there for me, what job, what kind of life–

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