²⁴, freedom!

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞'𝐬

chapter twenty-four; freedom!

"I know it is, because it's yours-"

"I know it is, because it's yours-"

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Jane Mary Black

FREEDOM. I'm finally free of Poppy, even though I'm very grateful for her. I just had my last check-up. I can finally talk again after a painful week of not being able to. My jaw is still sore, and it will be for a couple of more days. It's the weekend of Hogsmeade which makes it even better. And I'm actually feeling good. I feel good about starting a new chapter or at least trying to. I'm actually happy soon this will be over. I don't know what I'll do after this, what is going to be my future but I do know I'm trying to make the best of the days I have left here before I close this chapter. I want to say goodbye on good terms.

I hide my hands in the pockets of my blazer even though the weather is great today. There is a breeze that moves past my legs that are shielded by a thin pantyhose. The walk to Hogsmeade doesn't take all too long in my head since I'm enjoying the weather and nature. The landscape has a warm glow and the castle looks good from afar. I'm practically smiling the whole way here.

When I step into The Three Broomsticks a warmth meets my face. Laughter and buzz get my attention quick. I spot my friends a few moments later. I barely notice the Windsor twins as I walk past them, I do however feel their eyes burn into my back but I don't care. "Hi, can I sit?" I ask in short words getting their attention. "Yes, of course, please sit." Teddy slides over and I take the seat next to him. I look up to meet eyes with Bluebell, I give her a smile which she luckily returns; Elijah, who watches me carefully for a moment; Eden, who takes a sip of her drink, she's still pissed. And then the empty spot next to Teddy, I wonder where Harrison is. I haven't seen much of him, I heard he went home for a few days, but I know he got back yesterday.

"Want a beer?" Bluebell offers. "No, thanks. I decided to quit drinking." I announce with good intention. "That's great. I hope it works out." She says. I nod, not furthering the conversation. "I'll be right back," Eden says leaving the table. Teddy and Elijah start talking about quidditch so I focus on Bluebell again. "I heard that you got serious with one of the quidditch players." I can't help but smirk even though it hurts my jaw. She laughs. "Yeah, I did. She's great. Very pretty and kind. We should all hang out sometime." I smile, progress. "We should, sounds like fun!" "How's your jaw?" "It's still sore, but better than before." She nods.

A couple of minutes later Eden returns but this time she isn't alone. Cooper has joined her. And now I'm questioning where they've been. I actually don't want to know. Both have flushed faces. "Hey, Jane. You feeling better?" "Yes, thank you for asking, Cooper." He gives me a nod and sits down next to Teddy. We all start talking about a new subject and time flies. One minute I'm focused on the conversation and the next I meet eyes with the brunette boy walking inside. I don't feel anything spectacular inside, I actually feel guilty. I now see what I have been doing to him. But I can't imagine he actually loves me. My thoughts get cut off when I notice Elijah leave the café.

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