¹⁸, close stars

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞'𝐬

chapter eighteen; close stars

"I was just trying to make her laugh...-"

Jane Mary Black

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Jane Mary Black

COOPER AND ELIJAH ARE BOTH CHEWING THEIR FOOD LIKE ANIMALS. I can't even look at that without grimacing. Gross. Did I mention they are also racing to be the first to finish their food for a few gold coins. "Sometimes I ask myself how we befriended these..." Eden waves her hands at the boys. I let out a soft chuckle and take another bite. "How'd you sleep?" She asks before taking a bite herself. "I had a good night sleep actually," I say with a smile. It's the truth. I feel good today. "That's good to hear. Did you prepare everything for the prank?" Eden mutters the last sentence. I stare at her for a moment. "Uh–yea, that is a good question, I was in fact busy with the task–" "Jane, did you forget?" Cooper now looks at me, breaking his focus, Elijah finishes his food first. "Aw, man! I was totally going to win.." He says. "Ha-ah!" Elijah grins. 

"Well I didn't forget–I mean yes I did, but don't worry we can move that prank to another day, I was kind of busy working on a new prank." All three of them now look at me. "It's a great concept really. Meet me after Lunch. Seventh floor." With that, they know where they are supposed to meet me. "I got everything prepared, just have to fix one last thing before we can start." Without explaining I leave the table. The prank came to mind while I was zoning out in the library last night. I hope it will work, of course, it will work because I did some research and made sure it was possible. And it is, you just have to not screw it up. 

After dinner, it quickly got darker, because when I stepped back out of the Room of Requirement the corridor was lightened with torches. But I have no time to think about that because my friends are already waiting. I smirk as I walk towards them. "May I present to you my best idea so far this year." I look at all three of them for a split second before rolling out the paper I'm holding. The paper with scribbled notes and the big plan. I give them a moment to read it over. "This is awesome Jane!" I haven't stopped smirking. "Better than awesome, you outdid yourself." "Shouldn't we use this as our last prank?" I shake my head, "No, we can do better for that. This is great, but not big enough." They then nod their heads in agreement. "Okay, now let's start, otherwise we'll be busy till morning." 

We took the material we needed from the big piles in the room of requirement. It's was a hard job to clear, but luckily I put good thought into it and my research. It still didn't take from the amount of time we had to put into it to make it work. I glance at the contraption we made that will help to keep the spell alive for at least 24 hours. I don't anyone will find it either, so that makes this the perfect spot. "Sure we can't make it go for any longer?" Cooper suggests. "I don't think we can put everyone through that for longer than a day?" I glance between the two boys. "One day is enough torture, and besides otherwise Minerva will kill us." "We're going to get in big trouble," Eden mutters while staring at the thing. "Whatever, you only live once, am I right?" Cooper announces before getting his wand from his shoe. I grin before taking out my wand as well. "Everyone ready?" I ask and they nod. "Everyone clear on instructions too?" Another nod from all three of them. "Great. On my count." We all point our wands. "Three,..two,...now!" After the right movements, four flashes of lights touch the big stone surrounded by our system. After we point our wands down and it gives off a bright flash. Then the corridor goes quiet and dark. 

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