Chapter 50

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Braylon's POV

Today was the day we went home, I love it here on Florida but I miss home. I miss Justice and my bed.

We got to the airport and went through the security, we got on the plane. I sat down near the window and looked out the window. My phone vibrated and I looked at the pictures we took, they were from Riley. I smiled and looked through them, then a text came through.

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"What're you smiling at?"

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"I got a text."

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"From who? A boy?"

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"Actually yeah."

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"Who is it? Is he cute?"

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"He's pretty cute and it was from Riley."

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"What? Bad Braylon."

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"Stop, he sent me pictures and they look great."

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"Are you ok?"

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"Yeah, it's his loss. I just want to know what I did to him to make him treat me like this."

From: My partner in crime 🔫

"Just talk to him when we get back."

To: My partner in crime 🔫

"I'll try."

I laid my phone down and I leaned back and drifted off to sleep.


We walked into the house and I took a deep breath.

"It feels so good to be home," I said.

"It sure does," mom said. "So, how's it going with Braydon?"

"There's nothing with Braydon, I haven't spoke to him at all," I said. "I don't even know what happened."

"It'll get better," she said.

"I sure hope so," I said.


I grabbed my gym bag and my phone, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. A man was cooking and I didn't see anyone.

"Um, mr. mystery chef person," I said and he looked at me. "Chris?"

"Hey Braylon," he said and smiled.

"What're you doing here?" I asked. "And where's mom?"

"Amy's still asleep," he said.

"You know what? I don't have time to worry about this so I'll just worry about this later," I said. "Touch my mom and I swear I will be your cutest nightmare."

"Always so violent," I heard someone and I turned to see Desmond.

"No way," I said.

"Oh yes princess," he said and smirked, I clenched my fists. I walked out to my car and got in. I drove to the stadium and got out. I walked into the locker room and I got changed, I walked out on the field to the boys.

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