Chapter 61

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Braylon's POV

Today was the day, graduation, I was happy, oh and Iris had her little boy, Reese Lukas.

I took a shower and I got out wrapping a towel around me. I put on a white dress that stopped mid thigh and the sleeves were lace. I done my make up and I curled my hair, I slipped on converses.

I grabbed my phone and I walked downstairs, I saw Cody and he smiled. We walked out to his car and he drove to school, we got out and walked inside.

We got in alphabetical order and they gave us our gowns. Some of us had white and some had blue, I had white. The people's had already got here but dad nor Ethan weren't here because of Grayson's graduation. Grayson promised he'd be here, let's hope. The music started and we all started walking in, you could see flashes of people taking pictures. I could also hear smart comments about me and Emily being pregnant. God please Braydon and Carter don't get mad, we got to our seats, but we had to keep standing.

"Welcome everyone to the graduation of class 2015," Assistant Principle Saunders said they clapped. "This has been a wonderful year and I'm sad to see them go." We sat down and I felt a contraction, I bit my lip and covered my mouth. It passed and they started calling names.

"Aaron Casey," Principle Richards called and we clapped and cheered as he walked up there and took the diploma, and shook the assistant principles hand. He called more. "Andre Davis." Andre walked up and we clapped and cheered. "...Justice Hanson." We clapped and cheer louder as Justice walked up and was doing a dancing going off the stage, only him. "Cody Hart." We cheered as he was up and he smiled at me. "Braylon Hart." they clapped and cheered loud, wow. I walked up and got my diploma, I looked but didn't see Grayson but I saw mom and everyone. I smiled and I looked at Braydon who was smiling like an idiot as I walked off. I sat back down. "...Iris Love." we cheered and clapped. "Isabella Masse." we cheered and clapped loud. "Alex Malik." We cheered loud for him, he was the basketball captain. "Carter Monroe." we clapped and cheered loud for him too, he smiled at Emily. "Braydon Monroe." we cheered loud for him too, he smiled at me and winked, I rolled my eyes and touched my stomach. "Jayden Monroe." we cheered and clapped for him. "Tyler Monroe." we cheered and clapped for him. "...Eamon Taylor." We cheered loud for him. "Riley Taylor." we cheered for him. "Emily Taylor." we cheered loud for her with made her blush.

They called out the awards and now it was sports awards.

"Ok, time for football," Principle Richards said.

"Coach Carver isn't here." Saunders said.

"Braylon, you do it," Cody said and Principle Richards looked at me.

"Why me? I'm pregnant," I said.

"I buy you pizza after graduation," he said and I walked up on the stand. He handed me the awards.

"Thank you," he said and I stood at the podium.

"Number 34, Aaron Casey," I said they cheered, he walked up and gave him the award.

"Thank Miss. future Monroe," he said and smirked, I hugged him and chuckled. "I am gonna miss you Hart."

"Me too," I said and he walked off the stage.

"Number 29, Andre Davis," I called and they cheered as he walked up.

"We're both seniors, but don't forget I'm stronger than you," He said.

"Get bit in the neck by a vampire boy and then we'll talk," I said and he laughed walked off, I called more. "I think honestly, this boy is who a lot of people are going to miss, 42, Justice Hanson." we cheered loud and he walked on the stage and hugged me. He looked at me.

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