Chapter 71

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Braylon's POV

I woke up and took a shower and I got dressed. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, I got in the car and drove to school.

The bell rang and the students piled in and sat down. I was teaching and my stomach growled.

"Was that your stomach?" Austin asked.

"Yeah," I said rubbing my belly. "I think I might be hungry."

"I got a ring pop," Cason said and shrugged.

"Sure," I said and he walked to me.

"Wait," he said. "I got to do this properly." He got on one knee. "Ms. Hart, will you marry me?" I laughed as he held up the blue raspberry ring pop.

"Yes Cason, I'll marry you," I said and he stood up and put the ring on my finger. He stood up.

"Mrs. Parker," Cassie said and we laughed.

"Let's just do some work," I said and we started class. The bell soon rang and they left.

Lunch time came and I walked out, I walked to the lunch room since I had lunch duty. I walked in and walked around, I looked at my old table with the boys. I saw the football boys and I looked at Mr. Long.

"Aye, coach Braylon," I heard someone and I turned around, I saw the football team. I walked to them and I sat down.

"Hey, it's coach Parker now," Cason said and we laughed, he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.


"Hey babe," Braydon said and pecked my lips. "What're you doing?" I started to answer but Parker started crying.

"That," I said and I walked to the nursery, I picked Parker up and I carried him to my room. I laid him on my bed and I sat in front of him.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked.

"He's sick," I said. "He's got a little fever and he's been pulling at his ear."

"Does he have a ear infection?" He asked.

"Yeah, mom took him to the doctor today," I said. "They said to keep a check on his fever and give him his medicine."

"Oh, I hope you feel better buddy," Braydon said and kissed his hand.

"Ok munchkin, let's go to sleep," I said. "Mommy's gotta work tomorrow." I picked him up, I carried him back to his bed and laid him down. I patted his back and sang till he fell asleep, Sadie was already asleep. I walked back out and to my room, I climbed in the bed and Braydon joined me. He kissed me and he touched my face, I put my hand on the back of his neck and we pulled apart. I pecked his lips.

"I love you Braylon," he said and smiled

"I love you too Braydon," I said and smiled. "I'm tired and I'm ready to sleep."

"Me too," he said and we laid down, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and took a shower and I got dressed. I grabbed my phone and keys, I looked at the bed and noticed Braydon wasn't there. I walked to the nursery and he was in the rocker rocking Parker.

"Braydon," I said softly and he looked at me. "How long have you been up?"

"Since 2 in the morning," he said. "Go to work, I'm fine." he smiled and I smiled back.

"Bye, I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said and I walked out, I walked to my car and got in. I drove to the school and I got out, I walked in and to my class. The bell soon rang and my class piled in, they all sat down and got quiet.

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