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My hoes, my Penguin Ducks, my bitches, my mains, the people who have been with me through it all. Our time has come.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who put up with this story. Who read it, who voted on it, who commented, and who supported me through it. Thank you, because this moment right now would not be happening without you.

The Monroe Brothers is getting published 2016. Fuck guys, this is really happening! WE MADE IT! Penguin Duck Nation is going to take over the world! World domination.

I have to write an acknowledgment for this book and I have no clue what I'm going to write what. All I know is you hoes are definitely who I dedicate this too. I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys. I didn't think this book was that good, but someone noticed us!

Writing is what I love doing, if I got paid for this, I would have my dream job. Besides a lawyer, but still. Reading is where I started and now I'm here, getting my book published. Jessica Powell, 16 year old girl that struggles to stay up above the water is achieving her life goal. It means so much more to me than anyone could ever imagine.

Again, I owe it all to you. Writing a book is actually harder than you can ever think of. You get judged easily and shot down, you can't be weak and let words bother you, sometimes you gotta say fuck it and take a risk. I never regret picking up my iPod and writing my first book, because I honestly don't know where I'd be if I didn't do this.

So, who's going to buy my book? 😏 I hope I meet you guys, it would be another dream come true.

So basically my acknowledgement, simple words "I acknowledge everyone but the stupid bitches."

-Penguin Ducks Unite

The Monroe Brothers {GETTING PUBLISHED}Where stories live. Discover now