Chapter 65

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Braylon's POV

"Right here," I called and Dylan threw the football to me, I jumped and caught it. My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Braylon," Braydon breathed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want my babies back, you took them from me and I miss them," he said.

"Oh boo hoo," I said. "You were being an ass Braydon."

"So you weren't?" He asked.

"You told me you didn't love me and you were only there for the twins. I thought we were family," I said.

"You said it too," he said.

"I was the one who told you to tell me you loved me," I said.

"Braylon please, don't do this," he said and tears formed in my eyes. "Please." I hung up and took a deep breath, Dylan ran to me and I looked at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. Which was a bad idea because the tears came, I wrapped my arms around him and he picked me up. He carried me in the house and set me on the couch. "Where's the twins?"

"Taking a nap," he said. "Moms upstairs with them, just lay here." I nodded and he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower," I said.

"Ok," he called and I walked upstairs, I took a shower and I got dressed. I was drying my hair as I walked back downstairs, I sat down on the couch. Dylan came out with two bowls of ice cream. He sat down beside me and handed me one, I scooted closer to him and could tell he just took a shower. I started eating the chocolate ice cream. "So, Braydon didn't take the news well?"

"He doesn't want to lose the twins, he didn't say anything about not wanting to lose me," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said and I was trying to get a piece of ice cream but it flicked and I looked at Dylan, it was on his jaw.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," I said and was about to wipe it off, I ate it and he laughed.

"That tickles," he said and it made me laugh, I sat back and sobered up. His phone vibrated. "Hello? I'm not going through this with you. Look, I told you it's over Katrina. Am I suppose to be scared of your brothers? Bye Kat." he hung up. "Well, looks like I'm the target for some boys."

"What?" I asked. "You had a girlfriend with brothers?"

"2," he said.

"Um, are you a patriots fan?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"How would you like to come to a Patriots game with me?" I asked.

"Really?" He asked and nodded, he tackled me into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Braylon."

"Ok, ok, your welcome," I said laughing and he got off.

"I haven't been to a Patriots game since I was six," he said.

"Well, now you're going again," I said. "Thank you Dylan."

"Anytime," he said. "I'm use to it just being me and Sophia, I love being here with her but it's nice to have someone else." I smiled.

"You guys have done a lot for me these few days," I said.

"You deserve it," he said. "I mean come on, you got attacked while trying to run away."

"It's not the first time I've been attacked, it's the fourth time," I said.

"What? Do people just like hitting you or something?" He asked and I chuckled. I told him the story about the day with Camden. "God Braylon, I can't believe Braydon hit you."

"Then, someone broke into our house and I was two months pregnant at the time," I said and I told him that story. "I've been hit so many times before."

"You're tough," he said.

"I don't let people in easily," I said and Sophia walked around the corner. "Sophia, did you hear?"

"Yeah," she said. "There's a baby monitor right there." I looked and saw it.

"Oh," I said and looked back at Sophia.

"I'm sorry about Camden," she said.

"It's not your fault," I said. "But, do you want to come to a Patriots game with us?"

"I'd love that," she said and smiled. "Everyone needs a break, once in a while."

"Thanks," I said and smiled, Sophia sat beside me.

"So, wanna watch a movie?" Sophia asked.

"Sure," I said and Dylan put in the blind side, my movie.

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