Chapter 9

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Braylon's Pov

To: Braydon the player 😏

"I'm outside."

To: Braydon the player 😏

"I'm coming now."

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked.

"None of your business," I said and I walked out, I got in the car and saw Braydon. "Hey."

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded, he started driving. I looked out the window, I felt something warm come against my hand. I peeked and saw Braydon had intertwined our fingers. I smiled and blushed, we got to the place and let go. We walked in and went down, we walked up to the boys.

"Bray," Carter said and hugged me, then Jayden hugged me, and then Braydon. I looked at Tyler and he gave me a 'not happening bitch' look and I looked away.

"The race is starting," Jayden said and of course, I went with Braydon. We got in and he revved the engine, I looked at Jared and he winked at me.

"Braylon," Braydon said and the woman came out and signaled us to go, he took off. He got to second place and we were trapped behind Jordan. "Help," I told him what to do and we got in first place, we got to our last lap, Jordan and him were close. "Hold on." he done something and the car went faster and we passed the finish line. We got out and walked up on the side, Braydon looked at me.

"Hey guys," Carter said. "Good win again." they high fived.

"Come on before the drama queens come," Jayden said and I rode with Braydon home.

"So, how'd yesterday go?" He asked.

"I locked myself in my room," I said.

"So not good." he said.

"My family hates me, Cody hates me, and Frankie hates me," I said. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Braylon Paige, don't talk like that." he said sternly and it kinda scared me, I sat up straighter in my seat.

"Braydon, you don't get it, Cody won't even speak to me, Frankie snaps at me even if I say hey, my family talk crap about me and my mom let them," I said. "I left and they didn't even know."

"Braylon, we care about you," he said.

"It's not the same, its sad when your own family despises you," I said. "Even your siblings, I got punched in the jaw and they didn't even know."

"You what?" He asked with anger.

"Yeah, yeah," I said waving it off. "So nobody cares about me anymore, I just want them to say I love you."

"I know," he said softly and he pulled into the driveway.

"Thanks Braydon," I said and smiled.

"Anytime," he said and smiled back, I got out and I walked inside the house. I walked in and Nick and Frankie were on the couch, Frankie was asleep on Nicks chest. See, that's love, I walked upstairs to my room and changed. I crawled in my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up and took a shower and done my business, I put on my undergarments. I got dressed and grabbed my phone and bookbag. I walked downstairs and saw Cody and we walked out to his car, he drove to school and we got out. I peeked at Cody but he didn't look at me, I walked inside and too the group. I think they got the hint I didn't want to talk, we walked to class and I sat down. We started on a worksheet and I started, the door opened but I didn't look to see who it was.

"Sit down," The teacher said, I answer a question and books landed in my desk causing me to jump back. I looked up to see Caden.

"Can you get your books off my desk?" I asked.

"I want to sit here," he said.

"Too bad." I said.

"Did you hear me?" He asked with anger.

"I heard you but I don't care," I said.

"Either you can move or I can move you," he said.

"I'm not walking so you got to carry me," I said and he was about to touch me.

"Touch her and those two hands are getting snapped," Braydon said.

"Take a seat," the teacher said.

"This isn't over," he hissed and walked past me grabbing his books and hit my arm. I started working again and I knew everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. The bell rang and I walked out.

Carter was coming my way and he was pissed. His jaw and fists were clenched, his lips were pursed, and his blue eyes were dark.

"Carter-" he kept walking and I went after him, I grabbed his and he yanked away. Everybody was looking at me like I was crazy but so would I, one rule with the Monroe brothers, do not mess with Carter when he's mad. I ran out and he got in his car, I got in and he looked at me.

"What do you want Braylon?" He hissed and I gulped.

"Why are you mad?" I asked.

"Because I want to be," he snapped.

"There has to be a reas-"

"You want to come with me?" He snapped and I flinched.

"Yes," I said.

"Watch what you wish for," he said coldly and he pulled out skidding in the process. I'm about to die, he came to a stoplight and it turned green but he didn't move. "You sure you wanna do this?" I noticed what he was doing, this was the road with all intersections. Where all the lights would be the same colors and they were all green.

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