Chapter 13

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Braylon's Pov

I grabbed the doorknob and turned it quietly, I opened it and Carter was on the bed on his stomach. I think I'm seeing stuff because Carter is actually doing his work. I walked over and I crawled on the bed next to him. He was writing down history, I touched his face and he moved away.

"Go away," he grumbled.

"Can I at least say that Einstein didn't discover gravity?" I asked and he stopped writing.

"Then why was his hair always sticking up?" He asked.

"Don't ask me," I said and he shook his head.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I betrayed your trust and you didn't tell them about my mom," he said. "I would've deserved it."

"Even though you might've done it, I'm not like that," I said.

"I didn't deserve you as a friend," he said. "You risked your life with me."

"Friends are always there for each other Carter, no matter what it is or how much trouble you'll get in. Or how scary they are," I said and we chuckled. "You guys were there for me with Kali."

"I wanted to come after you Braylon, I really did, but I also knew you wanted to be alone," he said.

"It's fine," I said and smiled.

"No Braylon, it's not fine," he said. "You trusted me and it felt good that you did and then I messed it up." I saw he had a grip on the pencil.

"Carter stop," I said and took the pencil from him.

"Shit," he said. "I can't control my strength when I'm mad."

"I see," I said and I laid my hand on his.

"Nobody stays with the Monroe brothers long," he said.

"I'm staying," I said.

"Why?" He said.

"Because for some reason, I know you guys care," I said.

"We do Braylon," Braydon said and I looked at him.

"We always have," Jayden said.

"They forced me to come," Tyler said and Jayden elbowed him and I chuckled.

"Thanks Tyler," I said and smiled.

"My pleasure," he said.

"So, what have people been saying?" I asked.

"Nothing really," Jayden said.

"Isabella can't say a lot because of her busted lip," Braydon said.

"I'm not sorry about that," I said.

"We know," Carter said and we laughed.


I woke up and took a shower and done my business, I put on my undergarments. I got dressed and I grabbed my phone and bookbag, I walked downstairs. We walked out to his car and got in, he drove to school and we got out. I walked up beside Iris.

"Hey," I said.

"Welcome back," She said and we pulled apart, I didn't see any of the Monroe brothers. "None of them have showed up."

"I just saw them yesterday," I said, I heard yelling and I looked down the hall and saw the crowd of people. It was fight, we ran down and walked through the people till we saw who was fighting. "Nobody is gonna break this up?" They shook their heads and I rolled my eyes. I walked closer while trying not to get hit, I grabbed Carters waist and pulled him off. Iris held back Aaron, Carter was pissed because he was about to go for him again.

"Carter stop," I said trying hold him back.

"Bray, just go," he hissed.

"Bitch," I snapped.

"Aw, got back up, I see," Aaron said.

"Shutup, that's why you got your ass beat," Iris said.

"You bitch," He growled and pushed her, I went to him and grabbed his face.

"Touch her one more time and I'll break both of your hands," I spat and let go, he laughed.

"Tell me another joke Braylon," he snapped smiling.

"Try me Aaron," I hissed and I heard a whistle.

"Enough!" Coach yelled.

"Thanks for making me lose my hearing!" I yelled and he glared at me.

"If I want to see a girl fight, I'll go to the cheerleading practice," he snapped. "You two are teammates, no two boys who are to be fighting!"


"Save it Monroe, you four to the gym," he said and we looked at him. "Now!" Aaron, Carter, me, and Iris ran to the gym and went in.

"What're we doing in here?" Iris asked.

"Go get changed," coach said.

"I don't have clothes," I said.

"Come on Braylon, I have some," Carter said and we walked to the boys locker room.

"It stinks in here," Iris said.

"Stop complaining," Aaron said.

"Here, just wear my jersey and basketball shorts," Carter said and I grabbed them, me and Iris went around and changed in the back. The jersey was too big for me.

"I look weird," I said.

"Come on Braylon," Carter said and I walked out, a smirk came across his face. "You look adorable."

"This adorable is about to whoop your-" coach walked in. "Hey coach."

"Get out here," He said. "Go to center court." We walked out.

"Nice save, adorable," Carter said and hit my butt, we went to the middle of the gym.
"Way to go Einstein," I said. "Who invented gravity?"

"Shutup," he hissed and I chuckled, coach came out.

"You're going to do what I say," coach said.

"Timeout," I said.

"What's the point of this?" Carter asked.

"You four have energy to fight, you can have energy to do this," he said. "We'll see you gives up last. I say the girls give up first."

"You wish," I said.

"We'll see," he said and he blew the whistle, I'm about to break the whistle.

"Go!" He yelled and we started doing suicides. We finished and ran back to him. "Jumping jacks!" We started jumping jacks. "Push-ups!" We dropped down and started the push ups. "Squats, pushup, squat, jump!" We started them. "Jumping jacks!"

"I can't do no more," Iris said and sat down.

"One down, three to go," coach said. "Suicides."

"Man," Carter mumbled and we done suicides.

"I'm out," Aaron said and sat down.

"Ready to give up Hart?" Coach asked.

"Not happening," I said.

"High knees in place!" He said and we done them, I looked at Carter and he was about to give in.

"Push-ups," he said and we got down. "Jumping jacks." we stood up.

"I can't," Carter said and sat down, coach blew the whistle and I stopped.

"Get water," we walked to the locker room, I went to my bag and got my inhaler and used it. I grabbed a bottle of water and drunk it, I walked out with Iris.

"So, you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna let it worry me," I said and she smiled.

"Good, because I don't want a sad friend," She said and we laughed.

"I'm going to take a hot shower when I get home," I said.

"Me too," she said.

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