Chapter 26

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Braylon's Pov

I walked up to the door and turned the knob. I saw a few people I didn't recognize, I started going upstairs and someone grabbed my wrist.

"What?" I asked and saw a dude.

"Hey, why don't we go up to a room?" He asked and bit his lip.

"Not happening." I said and he got mad.

"Now I'm telling you." he snapped and his grip tightened.

"Try me and see if I don't cut your balls off and sew them to your forehead." I hissed and he let go. I rubbed my wrist and walked up to the rooms. I took a guess and knocked on one of the doors, Grayson opened the door and I walked in. It was actually clean.

"What happened to your wrist?" he asked and grabbed it.

"Some dude," I said and took it back. "but I'm fine." I smiled.

"Ok." he said but didn't sound convinced.

"So, they're Ethan's friends?" I asked as we sat on his bed.

"Yeah," he said. "They have to leave when dad and Elaine gets home."

"Oh." I said.

"Blake, they aren't going to replace you." he said.

"I know," I said. "Ethan said they go to my school."

"Yeah," he said. "but you can't say anything and behave."

"I should say the same for you." I said and smirked.

"Shutup." he said and hugged me.

"I love you, Blake." he said.

"I love you, Grayson." I said and we pulled apart.

"Now, let me see your phone." he said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Please," he said, I gave it to him and he was typing, he gave it back. "Now we match." I saw it was his contact, he changed it to Womb mate and I smiled.

I heard a car door shut and we saw a black Ferrari in the driveway.

"Ok everyone, party's over," dad said. Dad is intimidating at first. "Grayson, get down here."

"You ready?" He asked.

"I guess." I said and we walked out and started walking down. Ethan's blue green eyes landed on me.

"Braylon." he said and he came over and hugged me.

"I...can't...breathe." I barely got out.

"Oops, sorry." he said and put me down.

"Braylon, what're you doing here?" Dad asked.

"I was hanging out with Grayson." I said.

"Isaac have you seen m-" The woman was beautiful, skinny and had a nice figure. Hazel eyes and brown hair. "Um, who's this?"

"I'm Braylon," I said. "Grayson's friend."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Elaine." she said and forced a smile.

"Mom, when can we get out of here?" I heard a boy's voice.

"The spoiled brat is whining again." Grayson mumbled.

"Grayson." Ethan said sternly.

"We just got here, Lukas," Elaine said. "Where's Liz?"

"In the car being a brat," he said. "You should've left her with dad."

"She knew she had to come." Elaine said.

"Whatever, she still doesn't have to be a bitch," he said and I looked at Grayson, he shook his head and I looked back forward. "Who's the girl?"

"I can speak for myself, my name is Braylon." I said.

"Oh, the new hot cheerleader." he said.

"I'm not a cheerleader." I shot back.

"Enough." dad said.

"Get on the little girl, she started it." Elaine said.

"Ok, Lukas give me my phone." I heard a girl.

"I don't have your phone." Lukas said.

"Ugh! Why did I ever have to have you as a brother?" she snapped.

"You're stuck with me so deal with it." he snapped.

"I can't stand you." she snapped.

"Aw, go tell dad." he taunted.

"Lukas stop." Elaine said, my phone vibrated.

From: Big brother

"Where are you?"

To: Big brother

"Right now, struggling not to kill a pretty boy."

From: Big brother


To: Big brother

"Somewhere, I'll be there later."

From: Big brother


To: Big brother


I put my phone up and looked up, everyone was looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"She needs to learn some manners," Elaine mumbled, my fists clenched. "Where's your mom and dad?"

"My mom is at home and my dad, I don't know." I said.

"No wonder you don't have manners." she said.

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"Braylon." Ethan said.

"No, my mom raised me right so watch yourself princess." I spat.

"I want her out." Elaine said to dad.

"Braylon, it's best if you go." he said.

"I can't be-forget it." I walked out.

"Blake wait." Grayson said and I looked at him.

"He chose her over me Grayson." I said and he hugged me.

"I know, he's an ass," he said and kissed my forehead. "I'll come to visit again."

"Ok." I said and we pulled apart.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I walked out to my car and got in, I started driving home.

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