Chapter 57

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Braylon's POV

I woke up and turned over, but didn't see Braydon. I wanted him to hold me, kiss my jaw and my neck, just talk to me just so I could hear his voice. I took a shower and I let the hot water run on my face. I got out and I grabbed an outfit. I pulled on camouflage skinny jeans and a white tank top, and red converses. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

I looked and still saw the necklace and the promise ring where I left it. I put the ring on, but left the necklace. I walked out and downstairs, I saw mom.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said.

"I was wondering, why don't me and you have a mom and daughter day?" she asked. "Take your mind of boys and just relax."

"Sure," I said and she grabbed her keys. I grabbed my white and red varsity jacket. We walked out and got in her car, she pulled out and she drove to the mall. We walked to the nail spa and walked in, we got our nails and toes done.

I had a great time with mom and it did help me relax and forget everything. We got home and I walked upstairs to my room. I stripped from my outfit and put on my pajamas and I crawled in my bed, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


We got invited to a party at moms job, I didn't want to go but they were forcing me. I honestly didn't want to see Braydon.

I took a shower and I put on a short dress, it was a peach color and the top was covered with black lace. I put on black wedge heels, I straightened my hair and put on the ring. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, I saw mom, Cody, and Kali. We walked out and we drove to the place and got out, we walked inside. I walked around and my feet were getting tired, I sat down at a table. I laid my phone down, Justice grabbed it.

"Justice," I whined.

"Come and get it," he said and I stood up, I was about to go but I remember I had heels on. I took them off and I went after Justice.

"Justice," I said, I walked to him and I grabbed the phone.

"Braylon," Aaron called and I looked at him, he threw the football and I caught it. I read it, it said 'turn around'. I turned around and I saw Braydon, he could dress nice.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now," he said and walked to me. "But I can't stay away from you for long." I looked up at him.

"Braydon," I said.

"Just hear me out first, ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Remember how I told you when I was younger I have my life planned out?"

"Yeah," I said.

"When I got away from Camden, I also dreamed of the perfect life. As I grew up I learned it wouldn't happen so that got ruined," he said and I chuckled. "Anyway, I have you and you're not perfect but neither am I, I use to protect Carter but now it's my job to protect you and the Monroe twins." He grabbed my hand. "I never thought I would have kids this young, I'm not fully ready to be a dad, but I'll do anything to make sure their life is better than mine was."

"What?" I asked, he took off my promise ring. "Hey."

"That ring was a promise and you kept it, but I got one better," he said.

"A ring pop?" I asked.

"Really?" He asked.

"I'm hungry, ok?" I asked and he smiled and shook his head, he pulled out a box and got on one knee.

"Braylon Hart, will you marry me?" He asked and he opened the box.

"Braydon," I said. "It's empty."

"I know," he said and Justice handed him the football. "In your book, you always said you wanted a football engagement wedding ring."

"I was 9," I said and he chuckled and he messed with it and put it down. He held the ring, it was nice. "Damn that's a rock." everyone laughed. "Yes pretty boy, I'll marry you." he hugged me and everyone cheered, he looked at me.

"You honestly had me scared," he said. "Its the best I got do for a football ring."

"It's perfect, Braydon," I said and I looked at it, engraved it said forever and always, and the number 23. "Braydon."

"Thank your brother, he helped," Braydon said and I looked at Grayson. He smiled and I walked and hugged him.

"I would do anything for you Blake," he said and looked at Braydon. "Hurt my sister and I'm beating your ass."

"I may be a pretty boy, but I'm not that stupid," he said.

"You're my pretty boy, I said and he walked and pecked my lips.

"I'm still mad at you coach Braylon," He said as he slid the ring on my finger.

"Forever and always," I said.

"Always and forever," he said and I smiled. "I hate being so romantic."

"I know, right?" I asked.

"I wish I could laugh in Camden's face right now," he said.

"I want to thank him," I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For giving me my perfect match, my dad always told me I deserved a boy who treated me like a princess," I said. "My mom use to tell me to stop waiting for my Prince Charming, get up and find him. The poor idiot may be stuck up in a tree or something."

"He actually did get stuck in a tree one time," Carter said.

"Watch it," Braydon said sternly.

"I didn't get a prince but I didn't get myself a pretty boy football player," I said.

"I always imagined having a cheerleader but a sporty nerd will do," he said and I smiled. "I was use to only having Carter as my family, yeah Jayden and Tyler but they weren't blood. Now, I have all of you and you taught me the importance of family."

"Family always has each other's back," I said. "Family isn't blood, but it's about who cares about you."

"We're a family, a big, crazy, unique family but I love it," he said.

"Ok, now can I eat and go home?" I asked.

"Well, can you go put your shoes back on?" Grayson asked and I looked wear my heels were.

"Fine," I said and walked back out to the chair and sat down. I put one of the heels on and when I reached for the other one but I couldn't reach it. Someone else grabbed it, I looked up to see a boy. He smiled and I smiled back.

"I just thought I'd help, you were in a bit of a struggle," he said and smirked. "May I?"

"Sure," I said and held out my foot, he slipped my heel back on. "Thanks." I stood up.

"You're welcome, congratulations also," he said and I smiled, I looked into his eyes. They looked familiar. "Bye."

"Bye," I said and he walked away, I touched my stomach and I had a weird feeling. Someone touched my shoulder and I jumped.

"It's just me," Braydon said. "Are you ok?" I nodded.

"Can we go? Please," I said.

"Braylon, is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, Monroe just doesn't feel right with my belly and my head hurts," I said and he nodded.

"Ok, you go get in the car and I'll tell the others were leaving," he said and he pecked my lips.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said, I walked out and to Braydon's car. I got in and he came out, he got in and he started driving. "Do you like the ring?" I looked at the ring which was memorizing.

"I love it," I said and smiled, we got home and we walked inside. I walked upstairs to my room and took off my heels, I took off the dress and put on a shirt and basketball shorts. I put my hair up and I walked back to my bed, I laid down and Braydon came back in. He gave me a pill and I swallowed it with water. He got in beside and wrapped his arm around me, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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