Chapter 15

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Then he filled up the bath tub with warm/hot water, then he stepped in and then he pulled me down gently. I fell asleep while he was massaging my muscles. *Dream* I wake up in Dracula looking town, had no idea where I was and what was I wearing! I stood up and looked down and I was wearing a 1800s dress and I walk to the nearest house which was a very wealthy looking house. And I was human too hmmm weird. The door was open and I walk inside and I go to the first person I saw, which was a very handsome dark brown haired man. He looked at me and said,"Well hello there love, how may I help you?" I say,"Well I don't know where I am, can you tell me where I am good sir?" He chuckled and said,"well love, you are in Transylvania and you are quite beautiful." He smiled a gorgeous smile and I smile and said,"Why thank you sir I apperciate it, and well thanks so are you, in the non weird way." He chuckled and said,"I know what you meant it's okay." I smiled and then I started to walk away then he grabbed me and turned around and said,"I didn't catch you name love." I smile and say,"My name is Angie, how abut yours?" He smiled and said,"Zachary Bagans, but you can call me Zak." Then he took my hand and kissed it he went all the way up my arm, when he got to my neck and then his fangs came out and he bit me and was sucking the life out of me, I couldn't get out of his grip and then I felt myself fall. Then I shot straight up and I was out of breath, I was in bed thank god. I got up and walked out into the kitchen and then I got a cup turned the faucet on and put water into the cup. I drank for a few minutes thinking about the dream I had. It didn't make sense. I didn't hear anyone walk behind me and then I felt his arms wrap around my waist and then I felt him kissing my neck and he said,"What's wrong my love?" I turned around and then I told about the dream I just had and he said,"Hmmm I don't know love, that doesn't make sense, i love you to death i dont like when your worried or upset." I smile and then I start to walk away but then he grabs my arms and spins me to face him and then he kissed me roughly but lovingly. Then he pulled back and I chuckled and said,"What was that for?" He smiled his bright smile and said,"Well I don't like when your like this so I thought kissing you would help." Well it did, now it makes want to kiss him even more. I guess he knew what I was thinking, because then he started to kiss me even more rough than last time and he said,"Want to go?" I said,"Yes please I want you more than anything right now."

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