Chapter 1: The Soul Contract

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Jake sat down at the table. He wasn't sure what to feel about his life and what he was planning. More importantly the rewards that would ensue. He rubbed his thumbs together almost toying with them. He was shaking. He knew what he wanted though. He wrote down his items on a list and called up his friend Maika.


"Hey Maika? It's Jake. I need your help with something and it's kinda out there" Maika rubbed his eye getting out of bed

"sure what do you need?"

"how soon can you come over?".

Not too soon after the high-school student was on Jake's porch. The two had been close friends for quite some time. Jake was 18 and Maika 16. Maika was still in school though be it a wannabe drop out while Jake was busy obtaining his GED. They normally spent time whenever they saw fit usually on mindless fun. Neither really had real world obligations. They had gotten back into contact a few months ago since Maika had cut ties with Jake do to a minor fight. This has happened 2 times prior. "Come inside" Maika rushed up the steps. Jake took out a book from his backpack, he placed it on the table and slung his bag to the ground. "What's this?" "It's a green witchy grimoire thing and I need your help" .

Maika blinked for a few seconds. Looking at the cover. He knew Jake was a bit peculiar yet he pondered what exactly Jake needed his help with that involved this thing. The book seemed old. It's pages were yellow and the leather cover had stains.

"It's a book of magic"

"I got that from the title" Maika Abend then gestured for Jake to hand the book over. Jake hesitated and then he slowly handed it to his friend. With the book in hand Maika flipped through the pages quickly skimming them. Some contained images. But mostly it covered basic magical procedures and how to go about them.

"You seemed panicked on the phone" Maika commentated under his breath

"Oh, uh sorry about that" Jake stammered. In truth he was panicked but it was not something he was ready to openly admit. He always had a tendency to work himself up into anxiety ridden madness.

"So yeah um" Jake paused.

"I want to sell my soul" Maika stopped flipping through the pages.

"You what?" his tone had changed from a groggy sleep droolish one to a stubborn almost stern questioning air. Jake sighed.

"I want to sell my soul" He took back the book from Maika with a stare and spoke

"and I want you to help me do it". Maika at first assumed his friend was joking or rather that was what he was hoping for. But after much pondering for what him felt to be an hour, though in reality only a few seconds, realizing his friend was serious he looked up.

Maika wasn't exactly a witch or warlock by any means. He wasn't quite keen on magic in concept but he knew from Jake's previous rambles that selling your soul was not something to be taken lightly. He believed in magic even if he didn't fully understand it. One question pinched his brain.

"Why?" Jake was quick to answer almost on a que

"because there's things I want and I'm willing to give my soul to gain it"

"This is something serious Jake."

"I know" Jake responded quieter this time.

"I know what I'm getting into. I know exactly even. I just- I need someone's help. I don't want to do this alone" Maika in the midst of his brain rewound Jake's responses. Hoping to get a glimpse of clarity over his friend's sudden rational. Did Jake really know enough about magic to sell his soul? And if he did, did he really know about the challenges of doing so? Was he really willing to accept the consequences whatever they may be? Jake was known for being impulsive. Did he actually have a good grasp on what this meant?

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